Mc abilities (spoilers) as of ch 20



HP : 9800

STR : 77

AGI : 90

MC's skills

1  Evo¿

2  Heightened instincts and intuition.

3  Detect lies and bloodlust – This is a result of his heightened instincts, improved observation ability and near parallel thought processing ability.

4  Self created style (Adeptus style) – JOURNEYMAN

It's an experimental style formed from a mix of all forms of weapon mastery and martial arts.

For now only contains advanced forms of kendo and kenjutsu.

It covers both offense an defense along with movement skills.

5 Near parallel thought processing speed.

6 limited precognition


ROH- Rudimentary observation haki

compilation of skill 2, 3, 5 ,and 6.

It has a passive range of a 10 meters sphere around michael.

active range is 10× the passive range.