Strong winds caressing the tender pasture in a clearing, this would have been a very serene picture if not for the presence of a peculiar young man, passed out and laying under the shade of the trees.
The young man was dressed in black pants and white linen shirt both looking plain in design without any embellishments. He had Mocha skin colour, height of about 174 cm and dark hair in dreadlocks style pulled back in a ponytail with an athletic physique to boot. By all indications he could be described as very handsome.
He suddenly stirred from his unconscious state after a considerable amount of time, got up in a seating position and lay his back against the tree behind before trying to regain his bearing. It took another 10 minutes for him to fully regain himself and then he knew that something has definitely changed and his life will inevitably be heavily changed. You might be wondering why this is? Well to understand, let's do a quick intro of our resident Joe.
His name is Dojima Manjiro or mikey for short. He lives with his elder brother and their parents have been away for as long as he can remember and he has little memory of them. Growing up he has always been smarter than average and physically more outstanding than his peers. He succeeds at whatever he sets his mind to be they of mind or body.
At a very early age he understood that he was different but never let anyone find out how extraordinary he was because he didn't want to be ostracized and bullied cause he observed that the 'nail that stands out, gets hammered back in' by society.
Due to his exceptional abilities, he had to challenge himself to prevent boredom and In doing so mastered most forms of orthodox fighting I.e. boxing, karate, kendo and archery etc . Sports were also exciting for him as he gets to play against kids older than himself. By the age of 13 he could be described as a very skilled fighter, capable of taking down a group of trained combatants unarmed and unharmed with his academic skills never lacking behind.
During this process he always had people around him called "friends", but he never truly understood that word and only learnt to emulate the mannerisms of the perfect student. He could be be called an extremely antisocial individual bordering on sociopathy, this has been the personality of mikey till this very moment.
Mikey realized that he suddenly became a whole lot smarter and observant, the world began to open up to him and he began a thorough introspection of himself, his life and relationships up till this moment but still couldn't comprehend why he was different unbeknownst to him that the first embers of feelings flickered in his heart before it was snuffed out by logic.