Chapter 69, Is This Kid A Hothead? How Can He Defend The City If He Doesn’t Even Want The Marshal?

The other Marshals who had been watching the show were all shocked.

The Azure Dragon Marshal who had stayed in Glory City for more than ten years was going to leave because of a few words?

You must be joking, right?

None of them expected it.

The Azure Dragon Marshal himself was even more surprised.

He had clearly only used this method to coerce the young City Lord in front of him in exchange for benefits.

Why did this person act as if he didn't understand human language and really agreed???


If I leave, how will you defend the city?

Don't you know that with a wave of my arm, more than half of the Azure Dragon Legion will leave with me?

Relying on the other three garbage legions to defend?

What are you thinking!

Can you stop the beast tide?

He really didn't understand.

Why would He Chuan actually nod his head and agree?