Chapter 70, Choosing A New Marshal

In the blink of an eye.

More than half of the soldiers in the barracks left.

The enormous Azure Dragon Legion soldiers did not take much time to leave. The other Marshal could not help but feel a little sad seeing this scene.

The strongest Legion had left, so this Glory City... Could it still be defended?

Should it still be defended?

To be honest.

Although they had never been on good terms with the Azure Dragon Marshal and had constant friction with each other.

However, when faced with such an external crisis, they did not want the city's defensive forces to be reduced to such a degree.

Putting aside the factions, they were all soldiers guarding the city!

However, up until now, there was only a Sergeant standing outside a tent, and he had never moved.

One person!

The mighty army was now only guarded by one person. It would be laughable if word got out.

He Chuan slowly walked forward.