Chapter 189, Cheng'an Abdicates

The flying dagger flew toward Princess Changning's chest with the force of a thunderbolt. This was an attack with 120% true force. The golden light whistled through the air as if it was carrying the sound of wind and thunder! It happened too fast!

Princess Changning's fingers stabbed forward like a sword, and everything around her seemed to slow down. Her two fingers and the tip of the flying knife collided with each other.

Immediately after, the sharp sword intent broke the tip of the knife and stabbed into the knife like it was breaking tofu. The knife rolled up and separated into two sides until it penetrated the entire flying dagger. The sword's intent did not lose momentum as it stabbed toward Lana's chest. However, Lana was prepared for it. The sword in her hand immediately blocked Princess Changning's path.

Clang! Clang! The two fingers clashed with the sword, and sparks were actually ignited, dazzling and dazzling in the dark night.
