Chapter 190, Empress Changning

The Great Zhou Dynasty needed to continue its reign.

Without the support of the Imperial Court, Cheng'an would not even be able to enjoy life.

Seeing Cheng'an agree so readily, the weight in Fang Yuanqing and the other officials 'hearts was lifted.

If Cheng'an refused no matter what, they couldn't kill him, so they could only take forceful measures.

"Cheng'an... I." Princess Changning felt sorry for her brother. After all, she had stolen the position of Emperor.

She didn't know how to face Cheng'an.

"Prime Minister Fang is right. I'm no longer in the mood for political affairs. If I continue, I may destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty. It's better for Imperial Sister to stabilize the country and avoid becoming a sinner." Since Cheng'an had already made his decision, he did not continue to feel conflicted.

He might as well be more free and easy so that everyone wouldn't feel sad.