Zi Wei's Shenchen Miraculous Scripture

"Don't think about anything. It has nothing to do with you..." Jing Wudao's voice stopped abruptly before he could finish.

The world returned to silence.

It was as if Jing Wudao's voice had never appeared.

"It's an illusion created by the Corpse flower guiding to the River of the Dead. It's just a prediction of the predicament I'm going to encounter in the future. It's not real." Although Jing Wudao's voice only appeared for a moment, it was enough to cheer Gu Mingzhou up.

"Could it be that I'll be trapped in a place like this in the future?" Gu Mingzhou, who had calmed down, started to speculate.

Although the present was only an illusion, the function of the River of the Dead and the Corpse flower was to deduce a certain part of the future according to the original memory of the soul.

He moved his body and felt he had recovered some strength. He sensed this dark world more carefully, trying to find clues to prepare for the future.