Falling Out

A winding river appeared in front of Gu Mingzhou. The blood-yellow river water was turbulent and the waves were gradually splashing.

On the endlessly rolling river, five beams of red and green light spread out from a cluster of dual-colored flowers in the center of the river and fell on Shangguan Fei, He Youliang, Wei Lin, Liu Youcheng, and the Wu Ji patriarch, who were all sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, respectively.

"Phew! I'm really out?" Gu Mingzhou let out a long breath and said in surprise.

At the same time, he didn't forget to turn his head to look at Jing Wudao, who was also sitting cross-legged on the ground, but wasn't enveloped by the light.

"Brother Wudao, you..."

"Let's go!"

Before Gu Mingzhou could finish his sentence, Jing Wudao interrupted him.

Jing Wudao suddenly pounced over, grabbed Gu Mingzhou, jumped up, and directly shot into the distance.