Mysterious Person

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The array that surrounded Floating Jade Palace exploded into fine powder one after another, scattering in the air.

Even the tightly-shut bronze door cracked and collapsed under the impact of this powerful force!

Wang Meng disappeared in an instant, and the formation was annihilated. The magnificent and glorious Floating Jade Palace became a dilapidated Palace.

"Clan Leader!"

Several exclamations sounded at the same time in the dust.

The human clan's rogue cultivators flew to the front of the Floating Jade Palace and reached out to catch the tattered robes that were flying in the air. They were the remains left behind by Wang Meng after his soul was destroyed and his corpse was gone!

"Clan Leader!" Ye Xiu took Wang Meng's robe with both hands. The heavens were filled with sorrow!