Familiar Blood Array

"Impossible! I've never heard of such a person in the human clan!"

"It's probably a certain Lord who traveled here and couldn't stand the vicious methods of those demon cultivators, so he took action."

"Perhaps he's a friend of the King's. Knowing that our Floating Jade is in trouble, he especially comes to help."

"It seems that our Floating Jade can be saved!"

Very quickly, the identity of the man who appeared in the sky was widely discussed, and there were many speculations.

No matter what they guessed, in the hearts of Floating Jade Island rogue cultivators, this expert who could break Floating Jade Island array with a single spear strike was on their side and had come to save them.

However, what they didn't know was that while they were discussing, the man floating in the void had shifted his gaze away from them and looked toward the north. He looked around the vast sea with a puzzled expression.