Temporary Peace

However, everyone present understood that Godking Scorching Sun's face was definitely ashen.

This was indeed the case.

This matter seemed like child's play, but the relationship was too complicated.

Everything started from the invasion back then.

Back then, Godking Scorching Sun was in the Immortal Venerable Realm, just like Yuan Emperor.

Later on, Godking Scorching Sun was lucky enough to comprehend a more profound Dharmic formulation.

It was a Supreme Immortal Venerable pinnacle secret technique that used the country as the body, the city as the acupuncture points, and the state as the meridians.

This method cannot allow one to cultivate to the peak of Immortal Reverent.

The entire country was a peak Immortal Reverent.

A man is a country.

The people are the blood tendons, the ministers are the five internal organs, and the cities are the meridians and acupoints.