Sky City Auction House

All the people here were members of the Reincarnation Palace.

He Chuan handed over the mission as usual, while Princess Taiping looked around curiously. From time to time, she would touch here and there.

"Lord Judge, Young Master Qi Ye is looking for you. He said it's the same old place." The shopkeeper said.

"I'll be there in a while." He Chuan nodded and replied.

The two of them had already reached a deep cooperative relationship. Qi Ye was responsible for collecting meteorite resources and selling goods.

He Chuan was in charge of observing the inside of the meteorite, so he would get a 30 - 70 split of the loot. After all, without his eyes, no matter how many resources Qi Ye had, he would not be able to get anything good.

After arranging his work, He Chuan walked out of the door. Princess Taiping was still curiously looking at the things inside.