

Had the Yellow Emperor's originally profound cultivation improved a step further, even Ming Chen might not be able to do anything to this person. If this dragged on, there might be changes, so He Chuan prepared to shake him on the spot.

Yama King pondered for a moment, then condensed an imperial edict in the void and flew into Ming Chen's hand.

"Bring Long Bo and One-Eyed Dragon over to settle this within three days." The flow of time in the center of the Netherworld was relatively fast. The so-called three days were actually three years.

Ming Chen didn't even turn his head and brought He Chuan to the edge of the Yellow Spring River.

"Think about that person's appearance." The raging river water was boundless. Countless vengeful souls stared at the two people on the shore as if they wanted to eat them alive.

He Chuan visualized the appearance of the Yellow Emperor.