Killing the Yellow Emperor

Killing the Yellow Emperor

When He Chuan saw the so-called ascension ceremony, he almost laughed out loud.

It must be Xuanling Elder Huang.

The ascension ceremony was not for these people, but to absorb the fear in people's hearts through this strange ceremony.

Xuanling Elder Huang had absorbed faith in the past, and now he was absorbing fear. The essence was the same.

"He's underground. Hall Master Ming Chen, prepare to inform Long Bo and the others." He Chuan's eyes shone with golden light as he followed everyone's fear and finally found the hiding place of Xuanling Elder Huang.

Thousands of feet underground.

In a pitch-black cave.

In the middle of the cave stood a statue of an old man in a Daoist robe.

It was about 300 meters tall, lifelike, and surrounded by a pitch-black aura of terror.

An old man with the same appearance sat under the statue.