Not Selling

Not Selling

"Brother Wang, why are you here?" Just as they reached the stairs, a surprised voice came from above.

"Long time no see, ah!" A young man wearing a green alchemist robe with a Daoist bun on his head quickly walked down and said.

"Brother Lin, you know about my situation in the Wang Clan. Today, I came here just to find a quiet place!" Wang Peng cupped his hands in response and sighed.

"Is the Wang Clan Leader asking you to go to the capital again?"The young man asked curiously.

"Baihe has ignored me for several days!" Wang Peng shook his head and said worriedly.

"Song Baihe should be busy with something else, don't worry." The young man immediately consoled him.

"She's still busy with her sister's matters!" Wang Peng sighed.

"Is it Lianhua? What happened to her?" The young man was shocked."