Yao Qiankun

Yao Qiankun

As he spoke, He Chuan walked towards the medicinal herbs with a calm expression. He picked out the types of medicinal herbs and handed them to the dumbfounded waiter.

"Capture them and break their limbs. I want to kill them myself and use their bodies to refine medicine!" Lin Yu's face was pale as he roared with a distorted expression.


Guards immediately swarmed in from the surroundings, and they quickly surrounded He Chuan and the other man with solemn expressions.

At the same time, on the second floor of the Eight Treasures Pavilion.

The entire room felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar, and the cold air was pressing.

As the chief deacon of the Canglan City branch of the Eight Treasures Pavilion, Lin Yao, a high-level alchemist with immense power who was usually in the Eight Treasures Pavilion, was now bowing respectfully in front of the wine table. He did not even dare to breathe loudly.