Shocking Everyone

Shocking Everyone

"If I'm not wrong, you should often feel hot all over your body and your hands and feet, right?" He Chuan glanced at Yao Qiankun. "Nonsense!"

"The Fifth Young Master is a respectable middle-rank alchemist. His body is constantly being baked by the Pill Fire, so it's inevitable that he'll be hot. The fire used to refine pills needed to be condensed in the palm of the hand. Wasn't it normal for the hands and feet to be hot?" Lin Yao said disdainfully.

He Chuan couldn't be bothered to explain to him. He turned to look at Yao Qiankun. The other party's body was burning due to the normal alchemy process, but the burning of his hands and feet was different.

Yao Qiankun remained silent.

"The pill fire you condensed should be an orange-rank Pill Fire?" He Chuan continued.

At this moment, Yao Qiankun's brows had already furrowed into a frown.

The initial Pill Fire should be at the red level.