The Mountainous Giant

The strength of the Three-eyed race mostly came from their third eye.

The person who stepped forward was the young master of the Three-eyed race patriarch, its young master, Tian Mu Lei Yin.

He volunteered and opened his third eye. The moment it opened, a golden light shone on the hive. It was as if the light could see through everything and see everything inside.

"There's the aura of Space Law. His eyes are not simple. It should be an eye technique that evolved from Space Law. Its power is no small matter."

Li Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly. He could feel that there seemed to be a trace of the power of Space Law in the divine light.

Although he had not yet mastered Space Law, he had a supreme treasure like the Void Divine Mirror. Moreover, he was only a step away from comprehending Space Law, so he was familiar with and could sense it.

Any eye technique that involved space was potent.