The Abandoned Blood Pool

Even though he was still very far from comprehending the law of power, he had still gained quite a bit.

He could easily do the same thing as the Mountainous Giant. The interior of the mountain had countless holes dug out by the bugs. It was like a hollow rock, and it was not difficult to break it.

Most importantly, there was no force in the hive to block or support it. Therefore, it could be shattered with one strike.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Mountainous Giant did not stop. Instead, it waved the giant rod in its hand and struck the mountain peak.

The rumbling sounds were endless.

The Mountainous Giant's crazy attacks destroyed the mountain peak. Then, after a short while, it was shattered into pieces, leaving only ruins.

"There are no bugs. Nothing! The damn bugs ran away. We've been tricked!" Someone roared with anger.

Many foreign races showed strong dissatisfaction in their eyes, and their faces kept twitching.