Pretty Boy

Edward knew I was a princess before he fell in love with me but because our people thought my father had a kind heart he thought things would work out for both of us and yes I made him believe I could influence my father's decision about who his daughter would marry and that was my biggest mistake. Edward was twenty-five years old and was making a lot of money from hunting and farming. Who could take care of his family at any moment he decided to get married.

Right now, my evil half-brother Logain just broke the news about my marriage to Edward, and I couldn't even deny it. How did Logain even find us here and what is he even doing here?

"Nardin is getting married to king Albert Eldrago in a few days," Logain said.

Edward did not want to believe it, after all, it did not come from me but he certainly needed clarification, because in a real sense what Logain said originated from somewhere.

"What is he talking about Nardin?" Edward asked me hoping to get a disapproval remark from me.

"Ed I, I, I..." But it felt like I had a lump in my throat that obstructed my speech. Logain was speaking the truth but I obviously could not just agree to it, it'll just break Edward's heart.

Edward needed no other clarification, my actions at that point gave him all the answers he needed. He just realized he'd lost me to some old man.

"Right." He said when the realization finally dawned on him. "I've been a fool believing you'll be any different from your sisters. Royalties are all the same. You only marry a man who will give you more power and wealth than you ever had." Edward said as Logain smiled.

I could not say a word, I felt so guilty and so I let him pour out all his vents and anger on me without interrupting him or even trying to explain.

"I hate you Nardin and trust me, you'll regret marrying that stupid king," Edward said hurtfully and walked away while I stood there with tears in my eyes.

"Sister, I must take you home now." Logain said scornfully extending his hand to take me along but I brushed him off.

"Stay away from me." I said to him and left on my own.

When I got home, my father was so furious.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I, I." I started to stutter. Come on not again. Nardin stand up for yourself.

"Enough...! Logain told me everything. You were with a boy?" The king asked furiously.

I started to shiver. All through my life, I've always wanted to be bold and stand up against my father someday but whenever he spoke, I get really scared.

"This never happened with any of your siblings and with that said. Nardin, you're getting married tonight."

What?! Tonight? How was this fair to me? Why do I have to get married tonight? This is absurd. I started to plead with my father but he did not listen. The thought of me getting married tonight was preposterous but I had no choice.

Soon enough I got dressed by mother and Irene. In a short while, king Albert and his entourage of loyal courtiers were present in my father's court to perform my marital rites.

After the wedding, they took me home. I rode in the queen's palanquin. It was quite bigger than the usual palanquin and so contained us both perfectly.

"Don't be scared, my dear. We'll be nice to you." The queen said on our way home.

She had a wide and real smile spread across her lips like she wasn't even bothered that her husband had just married another wife and a younger one.

I smiled weakly before I responded "does it not bother you that your husband has taken another bride?" I asked her but she only smiled and turned her face away from me.

I searched her eyes throughout our ride but I could not find any hurt in them.

Before dawn, we arrived at the Eldrago palace. It was way bigger and more beautiful than my father's. Little wonder my father forced me into marrying this old man. He had everything my father could not get even from all my sisters' marriages.

I got out of the palanquin with the help of a guard to appreciate the very lovely view before me. The palace had floats of flowers in grand fountains, the shimmering blue water even made it more attractive. There were tall pillars, ornamental brackets, decorative staircases.

As I walked through it, I observed the light streaming in through the windows. It was a magnificent sight to behold that I almost forgot I was forced to come here.

'Should I just give up all my hopes and aspirations and live in this palace as king Albert's second wife?' I thought to myself before I almost ran into a man and a woman making out in the hallway.

"Hey, watch where you're going, girl." The woman said with a scowl as if to subject me to submission.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I said but the queen quickly put a hand on my shoulders. "You don't have to apologize to intruders my dear. This is very much your palace." She said.

I thought she stepped out a while ago but she miraculously just reappeared.

The woman and man looked extremely angry.

"Keep your guests at your corner mother. I have the right to make out with my woman anywhere I so please." The man responded. He was so handsome. He was talking and had beautiful golden eyes with short blonde hair that graciously fell to the side of his cheeks. He was a man any girl would drool over. I even found him attractive myself.

"Meet my son Liam Eldrago. Liam meet Nardin Ryan but now Nardin Eldrago." The queen introduced but prince Liam sighed loudly and walked away with his woman.

"Don't worry. You'll get along soon enough." The queen. "Now dear, if you'll follow me I'll lead you to your chambers."

I followed the queen into a well-furnished room. It looked like someone was currently living there but I'm sure it wasn't the king or queen.

"Your majesty, do I get to share my room with anyone?" I asked nervously. I was used to being alone all through my life.

"Of course, you get to share your room with your husband." The king responded as he walked into the room.

"My husband?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, Nardin. You see, king Albert will never take a second wife. Just relax and soon you'll get to find out who your husband is." The queen said.

"But you made my father and the entire kingdom believe I was going to be king Albert's wife." I said. I wasn't complaining, as a matter of fact, I was extremely excited but I just wanted to be sure that they weren't playing around with me or that the god of fate wasn't pranking me.

"Does it matter to your father?" The queen asked not expecting a response though.

"All Dominic ever wants is wealth and power and he's going to get just it." The king said nonchalantly. "You know I speak the truth, Nardin." He added but before I could respond, the queen and king walked away and shut the door behind them.

I sighed and sat on the bed just for the door to click open and then a maid walked in with my luggage.

"Good evening my princess. These are your luggage." She said and dropped them then quickly walked into the bathroom.

"I have some scented oil and flower petals for your bath, my princess. Just call on any of the servants if you need assistance." She said and quickly left.

What just happened now? I couldn't even speak. How weird and why was she in a hurry? And does her words mean I don't get a personal servant?

Well, ignoring all that happened, I had my bath and applied the scented oil the maid brought in and put on my nightgown before I sat on the bed wondering who my mysterious husband was.

In about a minute, the door clicked open and a man walked in. It was prince Liam...! Damn what was he doing here? And no he wasn't with that woman from before. He was... alone.