Chapter 1: Confession Note

Laine's Point of View

I am currently waiting for Dan here in the coffee shop near our university, it's been thirty minutes and I am still waiting for him. But it's actually okay because something might happened or he had just been stucked on traffic.

I suddenly felt bored and took the sticky notes out of my bag to write something, i want to say yes to Dan this time after a few months of him courting me. He is very kind, considerate, and caring to me that's why Shaira, my sister also likes him for me.

At the second page, I wrote those things I want to say for him just like what I wrote on the first page of it.

I also confessed my love for him at the third page of it, although I really love him as he does. I am not just that type of person that will say it to him that often.

I took a deep breath, "What if I tell him that—

I didn't had the chance to continue what I am about to say when Dan suddenly called me and I answered it immediately.

"Hello? Where are you? I've been waiting for you because I really want to tell you something— I didn't continue what I am about to say when he stopped me and replied to me immediately. "I am going back to States, i don't think we will meet again." He said and dropped the call.

I don't know what to react about what he just said. He's going back to States after all the things we have been through together? He will leave me that fast? That easy? I don't understand anything but one thing I am sure about. I will chase him.

I immediately leave the coffee shop and just left a five hundred peso there.

Rei's Point of View

I grabbed my bag when our training is finally done. I suddenly received a message from our Coach as I walk into my teammates. He said that we must wait for him at the coffee shop near our university.

I immediately got my phone back in my pocket and run into my teammates. I shouldered my arms into Iza's neck and told them what Coach just said, "Guys! Coach told me to bring you all at the coffee shop near our university and wait for him." They nodded and we all took a walk into the coffee shop.

We arrived at the coffee shop and still looking for table to sit on but one has caught my attention.

When I reached the table for a glance, I saw some sticky notes and a pen on it. I put my bag and sat there while reading whatever it is that's written on it.

'You were really cute when I first saw you at the intramurals on our school. That's why you really caught my attention and I really admire you!'

'I don't know but I am really happy when we got closer to each other.'

'You said that you just saw me as a friend just like what I treated you and i am really fine with it.'

I laughed a little after reading those stuffs that is written on the first page of it. It's quit cringy.

'And I am really happy when you asked me if you can court me, I thought you will not change your mind anymore.'

'I really like you for a long time that's why I'm really happy that finally you asked me that question.'

'You were there at times i needed someone to be there beside me, at times i really want to give up. You cheered me and told me the importance of friendship.'

'You changed my life. You even changed my perspective of love.'

That were the things that is written at the second page, when I continued reading the third page these is what I've read.

'Please don't ever leave me. I might be crazy if I lost a guy and bestfriend like you.'

That is all that's written there. Why did she/he even left these here? It gave me cringe.

"Rei, what was that?" Iza asked when she approached me at the table.

"Oh, nothing!" I replied.

"It's not nothing! I've been staring at you all the time while Yana and I are checking menus at the counter." She shrugged, "I saw you holding a pen and sticky notes while laughing on it. When did you learn to use that kind of stuffs huh?" She even laughed.

I stood up in front of her and laid my hand on the table while staring at her.

"Just let it slide. The next time you will saw me using that kind of stuffs, that means that I am already writing my confession note to you!" I winked at her and laughed a bit.

She pushed me and laughed hard, "You're an asshole!"

"Are you guys done flirting with each other?"

Coach teased us as soon as he arrived.

He raised his eyebrow to me, "Rei, the last time I remember. You were flirting at my daughter!" He shouted at me.

Yana arrived with our co-teammates.

"Good for you! You're really a flirty!" She shouted at me and acted like she will kiss me but I covered her lips with my hand.

While the others laughed at us.

"Hmp, what did you guys ordered?" Coach asked them.

They all shrugged and no one answered that's why i entered their conversation, "We have nothing to order here, Coach. What? A bread and coffee again?" I played.

"Am I talking to you, Ms. Rico?!" He exploded and I laughed because of that.

"Let's just go to my house. I will cook you some ramen, is that what you guys want? Huh?" Coach teased us before leaving the coffee shop.

I faced my teammates, "What the? Why did you guys didn't even order?!" I pointed at them.

They are blaming each other when I walk to leave, they are so pathetic.

We have no choice but to eat ramen at Coach's house.

To be continued....