[Friday, February 2nd, 2022]
[11:13 PM]
We see a dark-haired teenage boy on his laptop with headphones on, sweating intensely. He is in a dark room with the only light being, the light from his laptop. He made sure that the door was locked to make sure he wasn't caught by his parents or any of his siblings.
'God damnit' He thinks to himself. He was so close to exploding.
But when we saw his screen, he was…
Just playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
What? Did you think of something else?
'Please don't have Nibiru. Please don't have Nibiru. God, please don't have Nibiru' he thinks, as he finally special summons his 'Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon' with the dragons' Summoning animation, and his opponent draws a card.
{Lv. 8: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon; Atk:3,000; Def: 2,500}
" Please don't have Nibiru" he whispers to himself quietly.
The opponent was taking too long to respond, as he prays. Suddenly his opponent reveals a card and then a giant rock does a summoning animation.
It was 'Nibiru, The Primal Being', go figure.
{Lv 11: Nibiru, The Primal Being; Atk: 3,000; Def: 600}
"DAMN IT" He exclaims but shuts up fast so as to not wake up his parents or siblings, he hopes that nobody heard that.
He sees a 'Primal Being Token' being summoned on his side of the field on defense position.
{Lv 11: Primal Being Token: Atk: 6800; Def: 5000; Token}
He just sighs and sets a card, ending his turn.
His opponent draws a card and at this point, his opponent has 11 cards on his hand.
He watches as his opponent summons his very long Combo, ending with a Raigeki and attacking with all his monsters.
[YOU LOSE] flashes on the screen
With a final long sigh, he goes back to his main screen of master duel.
He lost yet again. 'Why does my opponent always have the perfect hand while I just brick?' He complains to no one. Looking at his screen he sees 6,980 Gems he was saving up.
'I shouldn't have made that sky striker deck. I don't even use it much.' He regrets making a deck just because of cute anime girls. (Happens to the best of us)
'I should have made a meta deck so that I can reach Platinum 1 much faster.' He thought. 'Nah, it's not fun when I negate my opponent so many times that they just surrender before I even finish.'
He clicks on Decks, and he looks at his Galaxy-Eyes deck. It was the first deck he created in real life as well, but it got lost and he recreated it in Master Duel. It was one of his favorite decks. The design was fantastic, The Galaxy-Eyes Design did not disappoint, and Afterglow Dragon was very cool as well. The play and strategies made him like it more. But now he feels that if he doesn't have the meta deck, he won't get to Platinum 1.
After looking at his gems and contemplating for a minute or so he finally resolves himself
He clicks back to the decks and decides he'll make it. One of the meta decks, or more specifically: Drytrons, He has no problems with the archetype itself. In fact, he likes constellations and rituals, just the Herald of Ultimateness. "C'mon 4-6 negates, my hand would be empty by then" he says as he searches for the deck on the internet.
As he finally finds the best deck to build, he goes to create a new deck and searches for Drytron. He looks at the boss monster of the archetype. It was a mechanical dragon, with blue as the main color, with gold making the whole thing extremely hard not to look at. Even though it's a ritual monster he liked it very much.
{Lv 12: Drytron Meteonis Draconids: Atk: 4,000; Def: 4,000; Ritual}
"Imagine summoning this in real life" He mutters, as an image of him summoning this dragon. He snaps back to reality and buys the monster with his UR Crystals.
(I don't really know what those things are called)
And a key with an exclamation mark shows his screen. He sees a pack unlocked with a free pack
"Celestial Dragons and Bears?" He questions as he saw both Drytron and Ursarctic archetype. He didn't know there were more monsters like this, so he searched the archetypes on YouTube. He found a very good video explaining both archetypes (GoldenNovaYugioh, I hope you get more subscribers) and wondered why players don't play this much. After much research on the decks, he found out that it was very hard to make a deck with both archetypes.
Drytrons can't make you summon monsters that can be normal summoned, in which you can't summon any Ursarctic monsters, and Ursarctic monsters can't make you summon any monsters with no level, e.g., XYZ and Links. If someone was playing this, the player would brick harder than a deck with only monster cards.
He felt interested in these monsters, even with the hard summoning conditions.
A Ritual that makes you tribute attack points instead of levels? That's kinda broken.
A Synchro that subtracts instead of adding? Cool.
An Xyz that lets you use its overlay points to Ritual and even negate an activation? Nice.
A Fusion monster between field spells? Kinda hard but doable with 'Ursarctic Polari' activating 'Ursarctic Big Dipper' and then summoning 'Drytron Alpha Thuban' after that activate the spell card to banish 'Drytron Fafnir' and summoning 'Ultimate Flagship Ursatron'. This isn't needed but still an option to summon when you have to take back some banished monsters and to refill your hand.
There were so many possibilities, but someone has to be super lucky with no bricks to pull it off. It's a shame Ultimate Flagship wasn't in Master Duel and making a deck to support both was hard enough.
Well, that's enough ranting time to make this Drytron-Herald deck.
[12:26 PM]
[1st POV]
'I did it. I made the deck, but I don't feel good.' I think to myself. 'I want to play with my opponent, not just insta win. There may be some to counter this like Kaijus, but this just feels wrong'
"There the deck is done." I looked at the newly constructed deck which I honestly dislike, just going to use it until Platinum 1.
I looked at all the cards I bought and saw the Ursarctics.
"Maybe… I'll just construct one for fun" As I began constructing his own Drytron-Ursarctic Deck
It took me some time to finally finalize the deck:
3 Alpha, 1 Beta, 2 Zeta, 1 Gamma, 1 Delta, 2 Ash Blossoms, 2 Mikbilis, 2 Miktanus, 2 Mikpolar, 1 Megabius, 1 Megatanus, 1 Megapolar, 1 Raigeki, 1 Dust Feather, 3 Departures, 2 Novas, 2 Cyber Emergency, 1 Pot of Avarice, 1 of each field spell, 2 Ritual Spells, 1 Called by the grave, 1 Forbidden Droplet, 1 Born from Draconis, 1 Quint Charge, 1 Meteonis Draconids, and 2 Meteonis Quadrantids.
As for the extra deck:
2 Polaris, 2 Septentrion, 2 Grand Chariot, 2 Bu Meta Fafnir, 1 Zeus, 1 Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale, 1 Linkuriboh, 1 Masquerena, 1 Knightmare Unicorn, 1 Apoullosa, and 1 Crusadia Avramax
I felt satisfied after looking at my deck. It may not be perfect, but I'll make sure to strengthen it in the future.
"Maybe I should test it out, just one more duel" (Me when I win or lose in master duel) I said clicking on Ranked Duels and setting my deck to my newly made deck.
After a second or two, my mate, and my opponent with his own mate was shown on the screen. With the coin going to my opponent, and my opponent going first.
We both drew 5 cards and after seeing my hand, I was pretty satisfied.
Drytron Alpha Thuban, Ursarctic Mikbilis, Ash Blossom, Ursarctic Megatanus, Ursarctic Mikpolar
Opponent: 8,000; Hand: 5 Cards
Me: 8,000; Hand: 5 Cards
A red Main phase flashed through my screen indicating that my opponent is starting his turn.
My opponent starts with a Cyber Emergency, which I counter with Ash blossom.
But my opponent activates Herald of Orange Light and discards Diviner of the herald, which tells me that my opponent can only do that play and maybe bricked.
My opponent draws then special summons alpha Thuban in attack position by tributing a Zeta then getting a Benten and doesn't wait long to special summon Drytron Zeta Aldibah by tributing Benten to get a Meteonis Drytron. After that uses Cyber Bentens' effect and gets a Diviner of the Herald.
My opponent then XYZ summons Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir and tosses Drytron Gamma Eltanin to the Graveyard, but this is the best time to stop him as I use Ursarctic Mikbilis effect, which lets me special summon him by discarding a Level 7 or Higher monster. I discard Mikpolar and then Mikbilis was summoned on the field.
{Lv 7: Ursarctic Mikibilis; Atk: 700; Def: 1400}
Of course, I activate Mikbilis' Effects and summon Ursarctic Megatanus to activate his effect to put Mu beta Fafnir in face-down defense position.
{Lv 8: Ursarctic Megatanus; Atk: 2400; Def: 700}
'His?' I question briefly but move on as I have a duel to win.
My opponent pauses for a long time, probably thinks that I can't end the next turn because of the lack of monsters, and skips the turn.
Opponent: 8,000; Hand: 2 Cards {Diviner of Herald, Meteonis Drytron}; Field: One Face Down Card {Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir}
Me: 8,000; Hand: 1 Card; Field: 2 {Ursarctic Megatanus, Ursarctic Mikibilis}
It's my turn now, I don't know what to do with Thuban and start sweating. 'Heart of the Cards Guide me' I think jokingly and draw.
'Drytron Nova' Holy frick this is the first time I drew the perfect card. 'Ok I know that he has no negates right now so it's best to do my plays.' I looked at my hand and inspected the effect on my extra deck.
'Hmmm... Polari doesn't seem to have the effect of only monster with levels can be special summoned and it's a synchro so I can still use my Drytrons and get a field spell'
I synchro summoned my Ursarctic Polari and used its effect to activate 'Ursarctic Big Dipper'.
{Lv 1: Ursarctic Polari; Atk: 700; Def: 1000}
{Ursarctic Big Dipper; Field Spell Card: Once per turn, if your "Ursarctic" monster would Tribute a monster to activate an effect, you can banish 1 Level 7 or higher "Ursarctic" monster from your GY instead. Each time a monster(s) is Special Summoned, place 1 counter on this card. Once per turn, if a monster(s) is Special Summoned: You can remove all counters from this card (min. 7), then target 1 monster your opponent controls; take control of it. You can only activate this effect while a "Ursarctic" Synchro Monster is on the field.}
After that, I used 'Drytron Nova' to summon 'Drytron Zeta Aldibah' on the field. I then tribute him to special summon 'Drytron Alpha Thuban' from my hand and use his effect to Get a 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids'.
{Drytron Nova; Spell Card: Special Summon 1 "Drytron" monster from your Deck, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only activate 1 "Drytron Nova" per turn. You cannot Special Summon monsters, except monsters that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set, the turn you activate this card.}
{Lv 1: Drytron Zeta Aldibah; Atk:2000; Def: 0}
{Lv 1: Drytron Alpha Thuban; Atk:2000; Def: 0 }
Next, I used 'Drytron Zeta Aldibah' effect from the grave and special summon him and his effect actives, with me tributing 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids' and getting 'Meteonis Drytron'.
Now, I XYZ Summon 'Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir' and use his effect to send 'Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids' to the grave.
{Rank 1: Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir; Atk:2000; Def: 0; Xyz: Overlay Points:2}
I used the ritual spell 'Meteonis Drytron' to ritual summon 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids' from my graveyard and use 2 overlay units from my Mu Beta Fafnir for the tribute.
{Meteonis Drytron; Ritual Spell Card: This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster from your hand or GY. You must also Tribute Machine monsters from your hand or field whose total ATK equal or exceed the ATK of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 "Drytron" monster you control; it loses exactly 1000 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn, and if it does, add this card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Meteonis Drytron" once per turn.}
{Lv 12: Drytron Meteonis Draconids: Atk: 4,000; Def: 4,000; Ritual}
All I have to say was that the animation was stunning. She looked very cool. 'What? She? I must be going crazy. Oh well, it is extremely late.' I reason to no one. 'Man sleeping late is going to kill me one day'
At that time, a quiet giggle was heard when he was reasoning to himself. Fortunately or unfortunately, he didn't hear the giggle which would have scared the living being out of him
'Hey! He isn't surrendering! That's rare', I thought complementing the person seeing this through because most would just quit at this point.
Anyway, It's still my turn, and seeing I can't do anything else. I attack the Facedown defense monster with 'Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir' and my opponents' own Mu Beta gets destroyed and goes to the graveyard along with its overlay units. I attack again with 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids' and deal 4,000 Damage. I looked at my Field Spell with 5 Counters and felt satisfied, so I ended my turn.
Opponent: 4,000; Hand: 2 Cards {Diviner of Herald, Meteonis Drytron}; Field: Empty
Me: 8,000; Hand: 0 Cards; Field: 4 {Ursarctic Polari, Ursarctic Big Dipper, Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir, Drytron Meteonis Draconids}
The turn ends, and switches to my opponent. He draws and activates Cyber Emergency. 'Oh no' I thought as he gets 'Drytron Delta Altais' And tributes it to summon his Alpha Thuban and gets a 'Cyber Angel Benten' from his deck.
My opponent then tributes Benten to summon Zeta and gets their second 'Meteonis Drytron' to the hand, and even activates Benten effect to get another Benten to their hand.
After that, He Xyz Summon another Mu Beta Fafnir in defense position, activates the effect and puts Drytron Meteonis Draconids to the Graveyard and at this point, I activate 'Ursarctic Big Dipper' to get their Fafnir, but negates with Fafnirs' effect to negate and destroy it.
My opponent then activates Meteonis Drytron to ritual summon Benten from their graveyard and then normal summons Diviner of Herald and activates its effect to discard Herald of Arc Light to gain its levels.
Next. My opponent activates Herald of Arclight effect to get Herald of Ultimateness to his hand.
Then uses his other Meteonis Drytron to summon Herald of Ultimateness in defense position by tributing Mu Beta Fafnir. I activate Drytron Meteonis Draconids to destroy two of my opponents' monsters. I chose to destroy Herald of Ultimateness and Cyber Angel Benten. And both monsters get destroyed with Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids getting banished. (My explanation to this is, that the opponent only has one more Benten in the hand and Drytron Meteonis Draconids is unaffected by monster effects so the opponent didn't use Herald of ultimateness effect, if they did, they would have no card on hand and it wouldn't affect Draconids)
Then uses Gamma Eltanin effect to tributes Benten from the hand to special summon Gamma in defense position. Using the effect to Special summon alpha Thuban to the field. My opponent uses Bentens' effect to get Herald of Orange Light. Then uses Meteonis Drytrons' effect to get it back to hand by lowering Gammas' attack by 1,000 points
My opponent uses both Gamma Eltanin and Alpha Thuban to Xyz summon into Assembled Nightingale. As my opponent goes to battle phase and attacks me directly 2 times dealing me 800 damage
Opponent: 4,000
Me: 7,200
My opponent goes to Standby Phase 2 to Xyz summon with Assembled Nightingale to Xyz summon Zeus in defense position. He uses Zeus effect, detaches 2 Overlay units with all the cards on the field going to the Graveyard, and ends the turn (Zeus sends cards to the graveyard directly and not destroying them. How do I know? Well, let's just say I had this happen to me a couple of times, or is it just me? You know what? I don't care anymore True or not this stays the way it is)
Opponent: 4,000; Hand: 2 Cards {Herald of Orange Light, Meteonis Drytron}; Field: 1 {Arsenal Zues}
Me: 7,200; Hand: 0 Cards; Field: 0
'Oh no, I have no cards.' I thought. 'Please Master Duel, Please Konami, Please Deck, Please God. Don't brick me now'
After my opponent's turn, I drew and after seeing the card I drew I almost shouted but managed to control myself. It was 'Drytron Gamma Eltanin'
I use 'Drytron Alpha Thuban' Effect and tribute Gamma from my hand to summon him on the field and get my last 'Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids' in my deck, use Zeta to tribute Quadrantids to summon him on the field, getting my last Meteonis Drytron in my deck.
I use my Meteonis Drytrons effect in my grave to lower alpha Thubans' attack points by 1000, thus getting Meteonis Drytron to my hand. I use Drytron Gamma Eltanin from my grave to tribute Alpha Thuban from my field and special summon Gamma in defense position, activating his effect to special summon Alpha Thuban again.
I Xyz Summon my Alpha Thuban, Zeta Aldibah, and Gamma Eltanin to Xyz Summon 'Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir' from my Extra deck. Next, I use Meteonis Drytron to ritual summon my 'Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids' in my graveyard, by using two overlay units in Mu Beta Fafnir as the tribute.
{Lv 12: Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids: Atk: 4,000; Def: 4,000; Ritual}
And I use my last 'Meteonis Drytron from my hand to ritual summon 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids' from my graveyard using the last overlay unit in Mu Beta Fafnir and Mu Beta Fafnir itself.
{Lv 12: Drytron Meteonis Draconids: Atk: 4,000; Def: 4,000; Ritual}
As the animation shows up once again.
I go into battle phase and attack Zeus with Quadrantids and this destroys Zeus.
This is the end. I attacked my opponent directly with 'Drytron Meteonis Draconids' directly making my opponent lose 4,000 Atk giving me the win.
'Holy frick… I WON' I mentally celebrated.
As the 'You Win' screen pops up
Even though it was mostly Drytrons, the effects of the Ursarctics were helpful.
Sadly, I couldn't have played Ursarctics more but I am pretty satisfied.
I looked at the clock and saw it was extremely late and decided to sleep.
I go to my bed and lay there thinking about my new deck. 'I think I'll practice it more tomorrow.' I thought excitedly. 'I just wish I can see them in real life' as I drift into darkness.
[February 3rd, 2022]
[1:07 AM]
(Hello there, Thanks for reading. This is my first time writing and posting my cringy story, still though thanks. This is just for fun, maybe in 3-5 years think about this again and complain to myself on why I even made this. Anyway, I'm still in school so… It would take time it maybe long or short depending on work given to me. Anyway I'm just here to explain somethings
First off: The previous duel didn't actually happen just me making the duel up with my mind. I literally had to count the number of monsters along with the number on hand that's why my writing might be not as good as the first half. Maybe I'll try to download master duel on my phone so that I can play with my real cards.
Second thing: You may wonder why I put some cards in the deck.
So the reason for some of the cards:
Pot of Avarice for getting Polari back in the Extra Deck along with Mu Beta Fafnir, And to get more cards on hand.
Ash Blossom for some negates. This is pretty normal for any player
Raigeki and Dust Feather for card removal.
Forbidden Droplet and Called by the Grave just in case.
Apoullosa is kinda a pain in the ass, but only negates monsters' effects.
Assembled Nightingale to call in Zeus after Direct Attacks.
Masquerena and Knightmare Unicorn to disrupt some of the opponents' combo
I also added Crusadia Avramax, because I think that Avramax is more powerful than Access code
Thirdly: You guys can suggest some fights you would want to see in the future, but if it's a deck I'm unfamiliar with I'll have to do some more research on it.
Lastly: There would be crossovers and I'm gonna have to come up with some history because if I don't some things wouldn't make sense. So that means this wouldn't just be Yugioh there would be some fights or something I don't know.
That's some future me problem. He can probably take care of it.
That's all thanks again for reading, Bye!)