As heavy breathing was heard, light flashes and explosions were heard.
Laughter came from his opponent.
I clenched my teeth.
I couldn't do anything.
Truly is the end…
But, I still have hope…
'One more turn' A voice said to him
One more turn…
Only one more turn…
"One more turn" I unconsciously said.
I summoned my monster, stopping his attack.
But I got thrown back several meters, rolling to a stop.
?: Tsk! That doesn't matter, You have no more hope to win! Don't you see? I WIN! So end your pathetic turn and lose!
He shouted at me.
I tried standing up with some difficulty…
My hand went to my cards, seemingly having no hope, my ears filtered out every sound.
I heard no voice, no ruble of stones falling down, no laughter of the man in front of me.
I concentrated on the card I was about to draw.
This was it…
I breathed deeply…
Unbeknownst to me…
My card started shining…
I looked deeply into the person's eyes I'm facing…
"DRAW!" I yelled as I drew my card
'Wha…' I thought, I can't open my eyes
'Where am I?' I question but no one seems to answer. Just hearing some faint sound.
'Am I dead?' I think. 'That's impossible it couldn't be. Where's Mom and Dad?'
But the weird sound continues getting louder and louder with each passing second…
At this point I'm fricking out. With questions racing in my mind.
I can't breathe, but I'm still fine.
{`C∆l, ∆|d×w€÷n¢¢}
I'm having a mental breakdown
'Please…' I cry
'Help…' I pleaded
{H¶st, π`l× do×n}
'Me…' I begged.
It felt like an eternity here. No one was here, no one was here to help just me. I was alone…
All alone. I can't live like this. 'Please… Anyone… Anybody… Please help… Me' I pleaded as I almost lost all hole
{Host! Please Calm Down}
'Huh?' I thought as I heard someone speak
{Host! Please Calm Down
I'm here don't worry}
'So- someone was here. Someone could hear me' I think gaining some hope. Completely ignoring the host part, just glad that someone can talk to me. 'Hey, p-please help me' I begged. 'I think I was kidnapped, I can't move, please help me escape' I pleaded. I want to see my family again.
My big and supportive father, my loving and caring mother and My 2 siblings even if they annoy me I still love them. I want to see them
'Please answer me' I pleaded once again.
{Host, please remain calm on what I am going to say.}
'Ok, I'm calm. Just, please help get out of here after' I bargained this time
{Ok host, I am going to say this directly. You have died and have been reincarnated}
'What?' I froze. My mind cannot comprehend what the voice just said.
Me? Dead? What about my family? What happened to me? Who are you? Am I in Heaven? Hell? Limbo? This can't be true? Can it? …
{Host has been talking to me in his mind. Is that enough proof?}
Now that I realize it, I haven't moved my mouth only talked in my mind. So that mean I really have been reincarnated.
As millions of questions race my mind. I feel as if I'm having a mental breakdown. I can't understand. I keep thinking of any explanations for this
After a lot of thinking there was one question in my mind. 'Why?'
Why am I here? Why am I reincarnated? Why am I not in the afterlife?...
'I didn't want to die. I want to see my family. Why did I have to be reincarnated?' I cry losing my last shred of hope. Despair taking over me.
Suddenly, I heard some sort of ding.
{Host is having a mental crisis.
-Calculating- -Calculating-}
{Best Solution: Erase memories that are attached to the previous world.
Must have permission from the Host.}
'What?' As I heard the suggestion, but I feel a bubble of anger expanding in me. 'Who are you to tell me to forget my memories? Who are you to tell me to forget my friends? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO FORGET MY FAMILY? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO FORGET ABOUT MY HOME?! TELL ME!' I rage at the voice.
Does the voice think I can easily forget about them? NO. They're my family. My home. Why the hell would I want to willingly forget about them.
And what's with the host crap. Are you a parasite?
{No, I am not, host.
Firstly: I am a system tasked to help you live in this new world. Calling me a parasite is insulting. Please apologize
Second: I am telling you to forget your memories only temporarily. It will help you from any mental breakdowns and help you cope with this world. You can get them back when you are older. The way you are now will not only mess with your work for the future, but also hinder your growth as a human being.
So please think rationally about this}
The voice- No, my system reasoned.
'What? You want me to think rationally?' I said angrily. 'I am a human, a person that feels and uses emotion! I can't think rationally when you tell me to forget about my friends, my family, and my home. That's everything that I have ever known. I'm not some kind of dick in fanfictions who forgets about my family, the fucking moment I come to this world'
{I understand this but-}
My system tried to say, but this is where I cut it off. 'Listen' I try to calm down, I tried to understand it's position. 'I love my family. They are my home. I'll do anything for them.'
{This is why I recommend forgetting them.}
'Oh' I think 'Here we go again, I don't know if you've been listening, but- '
Do you think your family would want to hold you back in finding happiness? Do you think your family would be happy if they knew you were despairing because of them? Do you think your family would ever tell you to never find happiness for them?
You see host. Your family won't like it if you're not happy because of them. They would always want you to be happy. Your parents are there to see you grow up and live your life without regrets. Do you think they would want you to sacrifice your new life just because your sad you can't see them again?
Life is tough host. More so for some. Are you really giving up a second chance being given to you on a silver spoon?
Think, host. THINK}
I thought about what my system said. I knew what my system was saying was right, but I couldn't accept it, and move on. They are my family. Losing them will be losing a part of me.
{Host, I know it may be hard, but people must move on someday. You just have to do it today. Heck, after you turn 18 you can gain your memories back to properly mourn for them}
Even when my system says that in an unemotional voice. I could feel sympathy. Steeling myself and my resolve I decided to let my system do it.
'Do it.' I think faltering. 'Please make it fast'
{Yes host.
[Commencing Memory Deletion Process.]
[Saving Memories in Databank]
I heard the mechanical voice announcing in my head, as I slowly blackout.
{[Memory Deletion is Complete]
Have a good sleep host}
And I fell unconscious.
[Title Acquired: A Reincarnator's Painful Choice
A decision made by the reincarnator that has resolved into a decision of forgetting something he loved.
Effects: Perfect Memory
Debuffs: Forgotten Memory until appropriate age
Status: Hidden]
I woke up in a start. Sitting up from the cold hard floor.
"Where am I?"
{Host is in the lobby}
The voice startled me. I look around to see no one.
"Who are you?" I ask the voice. "Where are you even?"
{I am a system set to help host. I have no name and I am anywhere you want me to be}
The voice says mechanically.
{Yes, it is host. And yes I am tasked to help host get through the world}
"What's with the host crap? You make it look like your some kind of parasite" I say. "Just call me-."
I stop right there, because for some reason I can't remember my name. In fact, I can't remember anything except games and books I read from my last life.
"Umm…" I think about what to say. "Say, do you happen to know what my name is?" I ask bashfully.
{No. I do not host}
"Oh well…" I say trying to remember things. "Hey how about I give you a name and you give me one? It'll be awkward to call me host all the time, while I call you voice or system." I say with a smile.
{O-ok host…}
What? Was it something I said because I swear I heard the voice stutter. 'Oh well.'
I started thinking of a name fitting for my system. 'Hmmm… not some Japanese name.' Why do people on fanfiction like to name their system japanese. I think it's cliche. (Like you. You dense mother fu-)
'Hmm… I wish I had google for this.' I think.
"That's it" I say remembering a name. "I'll call you Alexa"
{[Changing Name]
[Name Changed to Alexa]
Thank you Host}
The voice became more feminine so the gender was based on the name I picked?
"Oh. Stop it" I say, a little embarrassed. "We'll be together for a long time so it's only natural. So what's mine?"
{How about Eric?}
"Yeah. That's a nice easy name." I said thankful for the name. " Now what Alexa? Am I supposed to meet god or something?"
{No Eric.
You are her for the tutorial. Honestly, you should be thankful for a system like me}
She says like it was a well known fact, with her tone more condescending like
"Ok." I try to move things along. "Where is it?"
{Do you want to do it now Eric?}
"Yes. Of course"
{Ok then
[Constructing Proper Tutorial Procedures]}
At that moment the space around me suddenly is turning different.
The gray walls were turning to endless trees. With the platform I was standing on turning into stone. I looked in front of me to see the starting field of a very familiar game.
It was the field from Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel.
"SIRI?! Put a reminder for me to get washing tablets on a Mazda"
{Really host?}
!@#$%^&*(Sorry bout that)
"ALEXA?! What kind of system are you?" Asking for the first time.
{Well Eric. This magnificent system has seen your true wish.
And that was to summon Duel monsters in real life. So, I have made the proper adjustments for just this wish.
Aren't I the greatest host?}
"Yes. Yes you are" I say feeling at awe at the field around me."Wait does that mean I'm going to reincarnate in a yu-gi-oh world?"
{Yes host.
Before I forget}
Suddenly a Blue screen appears right in front of me.
[Condition: Reduce you opponent's Life Points to 0]
[Rewards: 500 Gems]
[Note: Regardless if you skip or not. You will still get the reward for the tutorial]
I quickly click Y. As I did, a cool looking duel disk appears in my hand
All of a sudden, while inspecting my duel disk. A person appears with one card in hand.
Opponent: 2,000; Hand: 1 Card
Eric: 2,000; Hand: 0 Card
"I'm going to beat you." The person says.
'Holy Molly' This is amazing
"First of all. I summon 'Digitron' in attack mode. Beat that" he says after putting his card on his duel disk.
As a white sphere with a black screen and blue eyes. It had a glowing ring below it with 3 white floating arms, one below and one on each side. It also has a white triangle on the top of it's head, kinda like a shark's dorsal fin. And finally two circular things on its head. (Yeah I'm not great in descriptions. I'm so sorry).
{Lv 2: Digitron; Ark: 1500; Def: 0}
It was amazing. Summoning monsters in real life. I couldn't believe it
"I end my turn. Your turn" He says.
"Well here it goes. Draw" I excitedly say as I drew a card. It was 'Beckoned by the World Chalice'
'Wait isn't this the tutorial for Master Duel?' I question remembering the tutorial so clearly. Weird Usually I was that one friend who forgets about everything and also remembers last minute.
{Eric please focus.}
Anyway, "I summon 'Beckoned by the World Chalice' in Attack Mode" As I put the card in my duel disk.
As a man with a spear on hand appear on the field. He had blue hair with a bandana holding it together. He wore many scarves with a black clothing covering his upper body. He had two golden armguard on both his arms and wore belts with a X pattern.
(I'm really not good at it)
{Lv 4: Beckoned by the World Chalice; Ark: 1800; Def: 0}
"I move into battle phase and my monster attacks Digitron" I say as 'Beckoned by the World Chalice' starts moving and attacks 'Digitron', destroying it and dealing damage
Opponent: 1,700
"AHHH" My opponent yells
'Wow. Talk about being over dramatic.' I think seeing my opponent scream. "I end my turn"
He got up and says."You just got lucky with. Now it's my turn DRAW!" He unnecessarily shouts. Then he gives a smirk "I summon 'Neo Bug' in attack position and End my turn"
As a big green bug with wings appears.
{Lv 4: Neo Bug; Atk: 1,800; Def: 1700}
'Its a little slow isn't it?' I ask Alexa
{Well, it is a tutorial}
"Ok then, I draw" Drawing a card which of course was 'Smashing Grounds'.
"I activate 'Smashing Grounds' which let's me destroy one of your monster with the highest defense."
{Smashing Grounds; Spell Card: Destroy the 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the highest DEF (your choice, if tied).}
A giant hand appears from above and smashes Neo Bug effectively destroying it. (I just came up with that)
My opponent now looks worried."Now let's talk about this" He says, but gets promptly ignored.
"Now 'Beckoned by the World Chalice' Attack directly" As my monster attacks with his spear and my opponent screams as he gets thrown back, with his life points hitting 0.
Opponent: 0
"What the?" I ask because I just saw him get thrown through the air. I quickly rushed to him to check if he was alright. "Hey man, you okay? I'm sorry for that" As I offer my hand to help him.
"It's alright didn't hurt anyway" he accepts my hand and he starts disappearing.
{How was your tutorial?} Alexis ask.
"Kinda boring, mostly because I already know this. But it was awesome summoning my monster. It was so cool" I say with enthusiasm for the last part.
{Ok then. Do you want to continue?} She says as the blue panel appears again
[Tutorial #2]
[Condition: Reduce you opponent's Life Points to 0]
[Rewards: 500 Gems/Structure Deck]
1: (Welp, that's done. I'm sorry for any inconsistencies. For the whole forgetting about his family thing, I added that. So, Eric doesn't seem like a jackass who forgets everyone he loves just because he's going to be reincarnated. Thanks for reading again. I hope you like it bye!)
2: I edited the first part because If I didn't, I'd have a hard time writing the plot in my mind, I'm so sorry for making some of you wait. Thank you for reading