Following the Scent of Flowers

Since Caleb had cancelled the sparring session for the morning, Ashleigh was left unsure of what she should do. Exploring the facilities had left her with lingering questions and frustrations about the differences between Summer and Winter.

She could go train in the obstacle courses, except the other wolves training in the area would give her nasty looks or talk about her as though she didn’t have great hearing.

Ashleigh had a thick skin, but even she could only take so much.

She found herself back in her room laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

“I’m so bored,” she whispered to herself, “if he was going to cancel, he should have at least let me go with the others.”

The rest of the representatives had left to explore the borders once more, this time to witness staged attacks. Ashleigh had been restricted from all activities with the other representatives because of Caleb’s schedule. It hadn’t been an issue until today.