Interesting to Her

For the first week they had trained together every day, they had competed and learned from each other.

Ashleigh thought they had moved past all the awkwardness and had even built a friendship of sorts. But suddenly everything changed, four days earlier, the same day she had met Caleb’s mother by accident. Since that day, everything seemed different between them.

Caleb had canceled sessions. He had brought in Galen to replace him or sometimes the other representatives. He rarely showed up to their scheduled training matches himself.

He would leave instructions for her to run simulations or obstacle courses that he would review and send notes on when he had time.

He very rarely spent time one-on-one with her anymore.

Before, she would have been thankful for this change, glad to be away from him and avoid any risk of confusion. But that didn’t matter now, this was her job, a task given to her by her alpha. He was disrespecting her, looking down on her.