I Got This

Ashleigh left Clara’s office with a smile.

It was beginning to feel like a real possibility that they would find the answers to why Cain had been killed. Once she had proof, it would be enough to go after Tomas without fear of the other packs rising up against them.

Finally, she would be able to be honest with Caleb, and they could move forward in their life together.

She pulled out her phone.

“Who is this?” Bell answered dramatically. “The number looks slightly familiar, but it’s been sooo long I can’t be sure.”

“Oh, shut up,” Ashleigh laughed.

“Well, whoever you are, you sure are rude,” Bell sighed.

“Okay, I don’t call, I don’t write, I’m the worst,” Ashleigh smiled. “I’m sorry.”

“You should be,” Bell pouted. “I only hear about you from Galen, and he never has the real answers. I mean, he has no clue if you have been doing your kegel exercises or done any strengthening of your pelvic floor.”

Ashleigh stopped in her tracks.