A Dark Omen

The arrival of the Broken Crag wolves had been all that the three alphas needed to win the fight.

Jonas had thrown himself against one of the wolves, quickly being piled on by another. He twisted himself and threw a heavy punch, extending his blade through the wolf’s jaw at the last moment.

The first wolf bit down on his leg, breaking the skin and clamping down on the bone. Jonas roared out the pain and then turned and slammed his fists on either side of the wolf’s throat, crushing his windpipe.

Caleb and Axel worked to keep Amy safe from the remaining four. However, it had only taken about a minute for Jonas’ wolves to come pouring through the gate and immediately take down the attackers.

Once the fight was settled, Caleb and Axel took Amy to the cave she had mentioned while Jonas took his wolves through the rest of the village to ‘clean up’.