Every Relationship Needs Communication

Clara got up from her place on the ground. Then, moving quickly, without even a glance back, she headed for the door.


Clara froze but didn’t turn around.

“Just grabbing a drink, maybe a snack. I’ll bring you something if you want….”

“Oh…” Nessa said. “I’m ok, thanks.”

Clara nodded her head and then hurried out the door. She made it a whole five feet before she stopped and took short deep breaths trying to keep her emotions in check.

She thought about the way that Nessa had reacted to Clara’s hand almost touching her. She had practically recoiled.

“She hates me….” Clara whispered as tears gathered in her eyes. “My mate… hates me.”

She let them fall. It had only been three days since Nessa took the suppressants, but in those three days, they had barely talked, they hadn’t touched, and Clara was left feeling more alone than ever before.

“Clara?” a familiar voice called out.