I Can Be Hallmark

“I smell good?” Clara laughed. “I mean, it’s good to know, but it’s a little odd as far as a list of likable qualities. But does it change my likability if I change perfumes? Or right after a trip to the gym? I mean, no one smells good after the gym.”

“Like that.” Nessa laughed. “That’s adorable.”

Clara smiled.

“But,” Nessa continued, her smile fading, replaced by nervous swallowing and an inability to keep eye contact. “You and I… we are different.”

“Are we?” Clara asked. “We both seem to have a lot of the same interests and quirks. Taste in music and gender.”

Clara winked, trying to lighten the mood just a little. Nessa gave a slight grin. But then she looked away.

“I mean, I’m different,” Nessa said. “Look, when the bond hit me, I had no control at all. I was guided by this intoxicating scent that just drew me to you.”

Nessa looked up at Clara, thinking of how easy it had been in those first few moments to simply go with what instinct told her.