Love Marks or Hate Marks?

"M-mister, you're not trying to say that you like me, right? What's with the reaction?" Kinrue said while getting the medicine box, but Raven couldn't even dare to look at her. "Don't take the question as if it's a serious matter. It's fine if you like me as a person like the way I do, but if it's on the latter side."

"Y-You're too far on my ideal woman, empty head. I-It just surprise me." He stands up and takes the medicine box in her hand before turning his back.

Despite of the dim light, Kinrue still sees the redness on the upper part of his ear. Out of embarrassment or not, she finds it cute. A chuckles escape his mouth as she follows him back on the bed.

"Sit properly and face me," he said while opening the box.

"Yes, young master."

A deafening silence remains between them while Raven cleans the wound on her cheek. It's not a deep wound, some blood from before gets dried, but luckily it's not a big wound and it'll heal after a few days. He can't help but sigh in relief. Amidst of treating her wounds, he notices Kinrue flinches whenever the cotton buds touches her wounds. He stop for a while before doing it carefully again and blowing on it at the same time.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"It's not."

"Hey, don't do something reckless that might hurt you again."

"I can't promise."

"Y-you..." He heaves a deep sigh before putting an ointment on it. "Stop acting tough, as if you have an invisible armor on you. This small body and poor health won't take it. Pay attention to your own body."

"You should stop scolding me, sh*thead. Enough is enough."

They glare at each other for a few seconds. No one even wants to break on it, but after another few seconds, Kinrue flinches suddenly as she felt him touching the upper part of her left ear.

Before she notices it, her face turns beet red, along with ears as his touch continues. She glance towards him again, but his serious face gives shivers down her spine. His hands went down to her neck so rather than a simple touch, it gives a more sensual feeling like a ton of bolt comes down along his finger. 'Since when did we end up in this situation? He's just touching me.' The thought keeps coming in her mind.

"You asked me if I like you, right?" He said. It made Kinrue flinches again.

"H-huh? D-Did I?" she said before laughing awkwardly, trying to avoid the situation, but Raven keeps gazing at her lips as he continues to touch the side of her neck. "S-Sh*thead, y-you know, you can scold me a lot so..."

"It's too late for regret. If you don't want my scolding, then let me give you a punishment." He smirks as his other hand opens the two upper buttons of her uniform.

"W-what the hell are you doing? You d*mn crazy sh*thead." She's about to push him away, but besides of strength, Raven's reflexes are faster. He pushed her down straight on the bed. "I-I'll shout if you didn't stop now."

He chuckles as he grabs both her wrists, using one hand, and raises it above her head. They stare at each other again, but saw the quivering eyes of her.

"Are you nervous? Do you want to shout that I'm going to rape you?"

"W-why would I be nervous? Besides, you're a monster who'll going to eat me alive." She said, shouting while close both eyes and flapping her foot to escape from him.

"Well, who'll believe you? Your boyfriend just want to show his affection, isn't it a good thing?"

"Good thing your face?! Get off of me right now."

"No. I don't want."

"Y-you stubborn bastard! I'll strangle you to deat—" she couldn't finish his words as she felt the warm breath of him brushing on the side of her neck. He gives a peck on it that startles her. "S-stop,"

"Hey, Kinrue..." He glance to her before whispering to her left ear. "Your face... It's a chili pepper now."


"Cute." Raven said.

He smirks and leans down to kiss her on the lips. She doesn't want to respond to him, but her body betrays her and kisses him back.

Those kisses went down to her neck as a new tingling sensation gush out inside her body. She feels hot and out of strength. She didn't even know what's happening anymore as her head feels hazy.

"S-stop it,"


The sound of an alarm makes Kinrue wakes up. She's about to ignore it, but notices the lights from outside. The noises from the busy streets and voices of people anywhere, it keeps distracting her.

In the end, she forced herself to wake up and is about to stand, but something wrap on her body. Not until then when the reality hits her with cold water. She's lying down on top of Raven, who's sleeping peacefully while wrap both arms around her. The scenes from last night keep coming back like a film that made her face feel hot again. Without noticing it, she buried her face in his chest out of embarrassment.

"It's early in the morning, but you keep thinking about some lewd things." She flinches upon hearing his sarcastic voice.

"L-lewd? Who the hell are you to accuse me of thinking something like tha—"

As soon as she raises her head to face him, he gives her a peck on the lips like it's a normal thing to do. It made Kinrue's face turns beet red.

"Good morning is enough, darling." He said with a playful smile.

"D-D*mn you! You're a f*cking pervert." She hit his chest with all her strength with eyes both close.

"Argh! It hurts."

"I'm more hurt than you. After what you did to my body... You're a f*cking bastard pervert." She's about to give him the last hit, but Raven grabs both her hands and pulls her closer. "What do you think you're doing? Let go of my hand, pervert sh*thead."

"What's wrong with showing my affection to my girlfriend? Am I not allowed?"

"G-Girlfriend? Allowed? Who the f*ck are you talking about? I'm not your girlfriend!" she shouts, flapping her legs. "Stop making me mad or else I'll hate you to death."

"You already do."

Amidst of their bickering, they heard a phone ring. They both turn towards the bedside table and saw Raven's phone ringing. Kinrue grabs that chance to separate with him as he answers it while sitting down. She didn't bother to listen to it, rather went straight to the bathroom to do her morning rituals. But as soon as she looks at the mirror, she shout on top of her lungs. Raven heard her shout and run in a hurry, slamming the door open.

"What the hell is wrong now?" Raven asked.

"Y-you... You pervert! What the hell did you do to me?" She grabs his shirt collar and shakes him out of frustration. "Why did you put so much hickey on me? Do you think I'm a canvass? I need to go to school. How can I even hide these filthy marks? Tell me, you f*cking pervert bastard."

"Argh! Stop shaking me. Calm down."

"Calm down?! How can I calm in this situation? You're not the one who'll get embarrassed in front of other person, it's me."

"It's beautiful." He touches the side of her neck that gives shivers down her spine. Without thinking, her hand lands on his face. "Argh! It hurts."

"I won't apologize. You deserve that hard slap, you pervert." She looks away before taking a step back. Her tears fall down while biting her lower lips to not make any sounds.

Kinrue knows she didn't do something, but her right hand that she used to slap Raven keeps trembling.

He notices her reaction and heaves a sigh. "Fine. I overdid it, I'm sorry."

"G-Get out, don't make me feel more embarrassed. I'm not crying because of these marks, so get out." She pushes him outside and closes the door.

After that conversation, they didn't talk again. They just finish eating breakfast, taking a bath and go to school together, but there're no words came out in their mouth.

In the middle of their walk towards the main school gate, Raven, who's two steps away from her, notices the visible hickey on her nape. Out of instinct, he pulled the turtleneck collar up to hide it back that startle Kinrue. She turns back, giving him a death glare.

"What now?" She asked.

"Nothing. You shouldn't tie your hair up." He pulled down the ponytail and look away.


"Don't get mad. It's for your own sake."

"Own sake? You should think about it before putting these d*mn annoying marks on me."

He tucks a strand of hair behind her ears as he looks straight into her eyes. "I told you not to get mad. It's my fault, so I'm sorry. Besides, it's my answer to your question last night."

Kinrue face blushed for the nth time while remembering the question she abruptly asked last night. She looks down and turns back again.

"I-If it's a hateful mark then, I'll accept it, but if it's a love mark, well then, I hate you." She said, giving him a quick embarrassed glance before running towards the main school gate. Not minding if she'll bump into someone or not.