episode ten: it's Friday

It's Friday.

The days have gone by without much done to change the daily routines.

But tis' the first Friday since school began.

The students loiter by the school aisles.

There is a rumor rolling over that there is a party coming up in Tommy's house.

They are not many academic classes today because there are other activities, mostly extracurricular, like swimming, basketball games, cheerleading rehearsals, karate classes, a chess club training, an afro hip-hop dance class rehearsal, French, Spanish and Chinese classes, to mention a few, of the activities students usually do on Fridays in the school.

Bea joined the swimming club when she joined Lancelotville High last year.

Her presence brought a lot of boys to come to join the swimming club because they love to look at Bea's big firm bosom under that tight bikini she usually wears.

Bea knew this, so she wore a tight black bikini today that clings to her breasts and her round bum.

Cody joined the swimming club as well.

So today will be Cody's first time coming to the swimming pool.

School is out, and students are all parading the school grounds.

Many of the Afro-American teens joined the Afro-hip-hop dance club.

Much attention from the teens is gathered around to watch the Afro-hip-hop dancers do their rehearsals.

But other activities are going on on the school grounds.

The TPLG are members of the Afro-hip-hop dance club.

Zachess hates water, she's hydrophobic, so she doesn't come close to the pool area.

This is good for Bea because she now has her time for Cody's attention in her most sexy bikini.

Bea sits by the pool's shallow end, she waves her hair from side to side to attract attention.

Sitting with Bea is Ruby, a 17-year-old Caucasian girl.

Ruby is Bea's bestie.

They are two peas in a pod.

When Bea is not with Anna, Bea is always seen with Ruby.

Bea and Ruby chatter on, sitting by the poolside.

Other teens are in and around the pool.

They are throwing colorful balloon balls all around themselves.

The pool is a bit crowded with people, so Bea and Ruby choose to sit by the extreme, by the swimming pool handrails.

"Are you sure he's going to come," Ruby says to Bea.

"Yes, I reckon, he signed for the swimming club," Bea replies to Ruby.

This Ruby and Bea talk about because Bea has made it known to her friend that she likes Cody very much, and they know he is now in the swimming club.

Just then, a boy walks up to Bea and Ruby from behind, he stoops and tickles both girls, Ruby startles a whole lot and jumps into the pool.

Bea squirms but remains sitting.

It is a boy called Jerry, his wearing dark shades glasses.

"Oh Jerry, look what you've done!" Ruby screams from inside the water, she spits water out of her mouth as she swishes her way back to the pool handrails.

Ruby walks out of the pool and walks back to where Bea sat, she sits again beside Bea.

Jerry is a 17-year-old Afro-American boy, he is a Senior High student, and he is crushing on Bea.

Jerry wants to date Bea, and he is always making every effort to date her.

But Bea just tags along with Jerry to have male companionship.

This makes a lot of people think that Bea and Jerry are dating.

Jerry sits close to Bea and smiles at her, her reflection is seen in his dark shades.

"What are you doing here Jerry," Bea asks, she twirls her hair with her hands.

"I just saw you radiating some beauty, the kinna I have never seen here in Lancelotville High, it was so bright I had to raise my shades," Jerry says, and he raises his shades glasses, and they see his eyes, he winks at Ruby, and then at Bea.

The two girls giggle like five-year-olds, Jerry covers his eyes again with the dark shades.

"But right now she's radiating her beauty for someone else," Ruby says, and she chuckles.

Bea pays Jerry no mind, she twirls her hair and swirls it from side to side.

"Do you mind if I take you too to the pool for a swim," Jerry says.

"Yes, we mind," the two girls say almost in a yell.

"Oh shoot, you all are scared of swimming," Jerry says.

He stands to his feet in a jiffy and walks away.

The girls laugh as he walks away.

Bea swirls her hair sharply to her left, and there is Cody.

He standing a few yards away to her left.

Cody is wearing multi-colored beach short, and a white 't-shirt.

Bea almost raises her hand in excitement to call out to Cody, but she in a moment remembers what Anna told her about Cody being with Zachess some nights ago, and she rescinds.

Cody looks around, then he sees Bea sitting by the pool with another girl, Ruby.

Cody walks to Bea and Ruby sitting by the pool, he walks up from behind.

"Hi," Cody says to Bea, he's standing right behind the girls sitting by the pool.

Bea turns as if oblivious of Cody all the while, but no, she's been watching him.

"Oh hi Cody," Bea says blandly and turns to face her front again.

"May I sit," Cody says, pointing close to Bea.

Bea looks sharply at Ruby, and they smile childishly, Bea keeps her gaze on Ruby, not looking behind Cody.

"Yes you can," Ruby says excitedly.

Cody shyly sits right beside Bea's right, about a few centimeters away from her luscious-looking thighs.

Ruby immediately stands to her feet and walks away.

"I will be back Bea, let me grab some drinks, I will be right back," she says.

She walks away, her bum bouncing rhythmically in her small bikini panties.

Cody's eyes follow Ruby's bouncing bum, and Bea turns and catches him staring foolishly at Ruby's bum as she walks away.

"You like her," Bea asks.

"Ehh, umm...ehhn..." Cody stammers as he returns his gaze at Bea.

"No, umm, not like that," Cody says in a flimsy defense.

"Then why do you stare," Bea says, she twirls her lips, their faces about a few inches apart.

Cody looks on at Bea's twirling lips, and they bring their face together, as to kiss, their lips draw closer and closer.

"Hmmm...mmm," a voice right above their heads, cracks up the mood.

It's Dolly, a 16-year-old Caucasian girl, Dolly is also Bea's friend in school.

Dolly is wearing her bikini, she wants to swim.

Bea and Cody pull back their lips as Dolly comes around.

"No, no, continue with what you were doing, I just want to swim," Dolly says sarcastically, and she comes close to the edge of the swimming pool.

"How are you doing Dolly," Bea says to Dolly, but she pays Bea no mind, she walks close to the pool's edge, and she stands in a stance as to dive into the pool.

Dolly doesn't say a word, she stretches out her arms and dives into the swimming pool in an Olympic athlete's style.

Water splashes at Cody and Bea, and they scream in excitement.

"So why did you leave so early at the café the other day," Cody asks Bea.

"Hmm, you spoilt our date, please don't remind me of that annoying day please," Bea says.

"How did I do that," Cody says.

Just then Tommy and a group of other boys of the BBC Boys clique walk up to the swimming pool.

He stands at a distance from the pool, maybe because he doesn't want to get wet.

He is flanked by other BBC boys.

"Hello swimming pool people," Tommy yawps, announcing his presence.

"I have a pool party happening tomorrow at my house up the Ville road, who wants to come," Tommy says, he raises in his hands party invitation cards.

Tommy hands over the invitation cards to his boys to go share with the teens by the poolside.

And they go over to the teens sitting and swimming in the pool, sharing the cards with everyone at the poolside, boys and girls as well.

They hand over cards to Cody and Bea sitting by the handrails.

"Hey, can I have one more for my friend Ruby," Bea quickly asks, and one of the boys gives her an extra invitation card.

They both read the cards, and it says:

"Party after Party"

Soon Ruby joins Cody and Bea at the poolside with some fizzy pop drinks.

"Hi Ruby, see there's a party tomorrow Saturday at Tommy's house," Bea says to Ruby.

Ruby sits to Bea's left.

She passes the drinks to Cody and Bea, she keeps a drink for herself.

"Will you go," Bea asks.

"Hell yeah," Ruby screams in excitement.

They both quickly look at Cody to their left.

Cody is still reading the invitation card.

"Will you come," Bea asks Cody.

"Cum..If I will cum...I don't understand," Cody says in confusion.

The girls giggle at Cody's pun, his play of words.

"I mean, will you come to the party at Tommy's, tomorrow night," Bea says yet again.

"Yes, yes, I will," Cody says.

Just then, the sound of loud music is heard across the school grounds.

It's coming from the teens rehearsing at the hip-hop dance group.

The teens at the hip-hop dance area yell and jump in excitement when Tommy goes over to their section to talk about his party.

The teens rejoice as Tommy shares the card with everyone.

The school clubs' activities are in high excitement across the school grounds.

Cody, Bea, and Ruby banter by the poolside, and they kick their feet on the water making splashes.