Chapter 28: Cell Mates 2

"By the way, my name is Nolan."

The low-cost cowboy with blue streaks of hair introduced himself. His expression could not be seen from the other side of the wall. But based on his tone, he was quite proud of his name.

"My name is Allen. Allen Stryka."

The young man introduced himself in return. He was actually embarrassed that this was not the first thing he did before striking a conversation. Still, it was never too late to amend such thing.

Soon enough the person named Nolan made a response. His tone this time sounded a little intrigued. He said,

"Oh, we're using full names, huh? Then my name is Nolan Toffer."


Allen blurted out the wrong surname in surprise. He was not expecting that the person on the other side of the wall would try to re-do his introduction.

Perhaps he was the type of person that would never let anyone one-up him.

Turned out, this was indeed a correct assumption. Because Nolan started correcting his mistake. He explained,

"TOFFER. Emphasize on the 'To' and pronounce the 'fer' properly."

His tone was strict. He would remind someone of a language instructor that would patiently tell the important points in a word he was teaching. Patient albeit with a slight hint of annoyance.

He then ordered,

"Try it again."


"I said try saying my surname once again."

Nolan repeated his command. The hint of annoyance was more obvious now. And the slow tempo he used to speak those words had amplified this hint.

On his defense, Allen was not confused about the order. What got him startled was the fact that the low-cost cowboy wanted him to repeat on saying the surname.

Why would he have to do that?

This was not the university where everyone was expected to pronounce some uncommon surnames properly. Well actually, even schools were not that strict with regards to mispronouncing the family names of their students.

So again, why would he had to do it here?

Nonetheless Allen had to play nice. He had already decided to stop antagonizing the low-cost cowboy. This was not the way to make a proper conversation after all.

He sighed in resignation. He then followed the order he was given. But the sigh he just made had caused him to pronounce the name incorrectly. And so,


"Wrong. Again."

"… Tauper."

"Wrong. Try again."

Allen deliberately misspoke the surname on his next try. And yet he was called out for the mistake. He scratched his head. He decided to comply on the command again.



"Are you making fun of me?"

"No! I just stuttered. I swear!"

Allen explained quickly. He did notice that the annoyance level on the voice of other person was at an all-time high. That was why he hurriedly told the truth.

The person named Nolan then sighed. Basing on how deep his sigh was, he was probably disappointed with the young man. He said,

"Know what, just call me Nolan. That's fine anyway."

No, it's not fine! You're basically calling me an idiot!

Allen snapped in his thoughts. Although the other person did not imply this, his tone was more than enough to express the pity he was feeling.

It was similar to lowering the bar of expectations for someone who was a little 'challenged' in life.

And Allen resented that. He was not some kind of a 'challenged' individual. Probably.

Nonetheless he tried his best to calm himself down. He should be the better man here.

Thus he had to disregard whatever the other person was thinking. No matter how rude it was.

That was why he decided to change to topic instead. He asked,

"Anyway, are you not bothered by the punishment waiting for us? We have been charged with multiple counts of violations after all."

Food theft was a heinous crime. Add that to the fact that using abilities inside the city was prohibited apparently. There was also the disturbance of public order or something.

Combine those three charges together and they would probably have to endure a grueling sentence.

However, Nolan refuted this concern. He seemed to be even shaking his head on the other side of the wall. He explained,

"Relax. Nosales needs ability-users to continue functioning."

Allen had noticed the dire need of the city for ability-users before. They were being exempted to the entrance fee at the gate after all.

He then learned from Gurim that those who could manifest an element were given hunting contracts for the mutated beasts around the area. This was to ensure the steady supply of hunted goods in the market.

And regulate the hostile forces around the vicinity at the same time.

These premises would then imply that people who had developed an ability should receive a preferential treatment. To some extent. Hopefully.

Nolan paused for a few seconds. He seemed to be reminiscing of something in his own cell. He then continued,

"As long as you show remorse, they would not issue any harsh punishments. Well not that harsh."

The last words Allen heard had troubled him though. He asked for details regarding this sudden disclaimer. He inquired,

"How 'harsh' are we talking about here exactly?"

"Hunting contracts with no pay. Plus, some disciplinary actions so that you will not forget your mistakes."

The cool and collected response of the low-cost cowboy had eased his worries. But this had opened some new issues for the young man. He then asked,

"Will there be any food after a successful hunt?"

"Yes. Even if you fail the contract, as long as you're still alive, you will be fed."

Nolan answered affirmatively. This made Allen sigh in relief. At least, the young man should no longer be bothered on where to find food for the next few days.

The low-cost cowboy seemed to have noticed his reaction though. The former then reminded,

"It's just prison food so don't expect too much."

"That's fine. Food is still food."

Allen smiled nonetheless. He was just happy to know that provisions would still be available for him.

This made the low-cost cowboy chuckle on the other hand. He was probably amused with the outlook of the young man in life. He commented,

"You're a really weird guy, huh?"

"And you're a pretty chill guy."

Allen did not mind those words though. He had learned to get past the snarky remarks of the cowboy. And once he did, he found that the other person was quite amicable.

Thus the young man decided to ask further,

"I cannot believe that you're the same person that was trying to cut me down a while ago."

"Ha, don't underestimate me. My sword is an extension of my [Aqua Blade] ability. I can make its edge sharp or blunt at any time."

Nolan answered proudly. He really sounded sure of himself. Well this was also an indication that he had confidence with his skills.

He most likely had an outstanding control of his element.

Allen nodded silently with what he just learned. He then decided to press further,

"What about those 'forms' you've used back at the park?"

"Why should I tell you about my powers?"

"Oh, that's fine then."

The young man shrugged when he received a negative response. He had been pushing his luck anyway. And besides, the other person had every right to keep his secrets.


"Both Rain Cutter and River Slash belong to a technique called [Eight Worlds One Heaven] style."

Why are you explaining it then?

Allen rolled his eyes. But he kept the comment on his thoughts. He was receiving free information after all.

So he tried to pry further,

"Does that mean you have eight moves that you could use in a fight?"

"Ha, why should I tell you?"

Nolan snorted. But the young man knew better by now. He remained silent and waited for a few seconds.

And then,

"But that is indeed correct. The aim of the style is to unite all the eight forms to a single sword that can cut down the darkness of the world."

As he thought, the cowboy would explain it anyway. Allen wanted to cry out loud. Why was the other person this headache-inducing?

Unfortunately, the person with a blue-streaked hair was still not over. He continued,

"The 'darkness of the world' is just a rhetoric here. It means that you should become strong enough to protect what you love."

Allen on the other hand was not interested on that anymore. He casually redirected the topic of the conversation. He asked,

"Is that why you wanted to become a city guard?"

Although Nolan had not mentioned this, coming up with that conclusion was not that difficult.

He was someone who held the city guards with high regard. In fact, he was someone who would get mad if you bad-mouth even the military provisions.

However, he was not a member of the army for some reason. A proof of this was the fact that he was arrested together with the young man.

"Ha, it's because the quartermaster always denies my application."

Nolan harrumphed. The quartermaster he was talking about was probably the chief of the city guards.

The young man then gave his remark. He had done this to verify his assumption. He mentioned,

"So you've gone rogue and punish evil-doers on your own."

"Of course. How can I prove my capabilities otherwise?"

The low-cost cowboy replied readily. He did not seem to have any remorse to what he just did. Even though vigilante work was technically illegal. Even before the apocalypse.

Still, that would explain why he was not bothered from being arrested. He was probably been through this for a couple of times by now.

The young man's thoughts were interrupted when the low-cost cowboy called him out. The latter asked,

"How about you? What's your ability all about?"

"It's called [Fire Fist]. The power that will destroy the sun!"

Allen had also answered readily. He was quite confident of his skills too after all.


"Do you have some kind of sixth grade syndrome?"

That's rich coming from you.

Allen smiled wryly as he endured the snarky comment of the cowboy.