"Is he having his first berserk transformation?"

"We need to save your son."

Robert's emerald eyes look stern and intimidating, but Mila doesn't feel anything.

Roberts' words and gaze mean nothing to her and don't affect her either, because she is still skeptical about accepting that this is her reality. She still thought that whatever she did now wouldn't affect her real life.

"Okay, let's go see my son." Mila said with a smile.

She didn't know what made everyone look very tense and gloomy, but she concluded it was not her problem. All she needed to do was to go with the flow, plus she wanted to see what the main protagonist would look like face-to-face.

"Are you sure?" Robert's gaze changed back to concern.

"Yes, let's go!" Mila jumped out of bed and opened the door. "Please lead the way."

She smiled and gestured her hand toward the door. She actually doesn't know where the main protagonist is and waited for Robert to lead the way.

Robert heaved a sigh before he stood up and went out the door first. He didn't say anything else and led the way to where the protagonist was.

It doesn't matter to Mila if Robert acted cold, she is more excited about meeting the main protagonist. She starts remembering how the main character appeared in the novel.

Christopher Esclamado is the main character's name.

He will grow into an extremely attractive man with great power – the King.

The story has a simple plot, like that of a typical romance fantasy novel.

Christopher, who would fall into despair from the devastation of his family, took over the throne and became a tyrant. The usual trope of changing a cold-blooded male lead into a loving man was where the novel ended with a happy ending with the female lead's love.

Of course, Mila doesn't exist in that beautiful story; she's merely a backstory. But that doesn't matter. Mila wanted to see the face of Christopher before he became a tyrant.

"How old is Tope now?" She asked Robert while they were still walking through a long hallway.

"thirteen." Robert reluctantly responded, without looking back at Mila. While Mila is squealing with excitement,

"He is still young!" she said happily, while anticipating their meeting.

Christopher has a similar appearance to her. He had black hair, crimson eyes, and a trimmed body. The only difference is their skin color.

It's a bit unfair that the protagonist didn't tan even if he was under the sun the same as Mila, and only Mila received the darker complexion.

"Well, a darker complexion is still beautiful." She commented to herself, without noticing that they had reached their destination.

They ended up in front of a gigantic door with ten armored knights guarding it.


"Why?" Mila took the longsword that Robert handed out to her. She tilted her head, wondering why she needed a sword just to meet her son.

"What do you mean, why? Are you going to fight with bare hands?" Robert also tilted his head because of Mila's clueless reaction.

"I thought we were going to see Tope."

"Yes, we are."


Their conversation was interrupted by a loud roar.

Mila flinched the moment she heard the roaring of something beastly on the other side of the gigantic door.

"W-what's on the other side of the door?" She trembles as she can feel the ominous aura from the door.

"I thought so. You're really not fine. Let's go back. Let's have the priest check on you first." Robert took the sword from Mila and pulled her hand to move the door.




Robert and Nida halted walking when suddenly the wall in front of them exploded.

"Shit! The circle was broken!" Robert shouted, and the knights that were guarding the door hurriedly ran away from the gigantic door.


The door exploded as well.

Everyone stood in their fighting stance, but Mila remained standing and looked up at the smoke created by the explosion.

"Am I going to witness a fighting scene closely?" She said with excitement, forgetting that she also existed in the scene and not just as a bystander.

Within the thick smoke created by the explosion, Mila had a sudden glimpse of a reptilian eye larger than her body.

"Hmm? a dragon?"

She wondered if she saw it right. The red vertical pupil that she saw is chilling. That sent her hair on her body to stand.

Mila swallowed her own saliva and felt trilled over her first encounter with a mythical creature.

"Why are you just standing there? Hold your sword!" Robert pushed her to the side because she was breaking the formation the knights and Robert had formed.

"Ah, Sorry. You can do it. Good luck." She cheered on the knights who were getting ready to fight the daunting creature.

"Does the duchess have a plan? She's too laid back in front of the dragon?" a knight asked Robert.

"I don't know. Just focus on suppressing the dragon until the mages reform the circle again!" Robert instructed the knight, whose response made a loud, solid response.

"Yes, sir!"


The smoke surrounding the area suddenly disappeared in just one full roar of the dragon, and by that moment, Mila could now fully see the entire appearance of the dragon.

Her jaw dropped as she looked at the dragon from head to toe.

It is a black dragon.

In comparison to other dragons she's seen on the internet, it appears unusually slender—wiry but not gaunt. Although its forward-jutting horns look fearsome, they serve no offensive use. It simply protects the dragon's head. And its sunken eyes contribute to the head's infamous skull-like appearance.


The dragon stomped its feet, causing the ground to shake. The high ceiling of the castle also started to slowly crumble.

Mila started to worry about the knights because the dragon was obviously stronger, but she was once again amazed when the knights started to surround their bodies with aura.

"Ah, right, this is a fantasy noble! Of course they have superhuman abilities!" Mila jumped up in excitement.

Robert and the others don't have time to entertain her eccentricity, so they just focus on strengthening their bodies with aura.

"Mages! Aren't you done yet?" Robert shouted toward the ten mages who have been trying to reform the circle that the dragon broke just a while ago.

"Not yet, sir! Please distract the young master for awhile!" The mage shouted back.

"Young master? Why they call – ah! Right Tope can transform into dragon!" Mila clapped her hand upon remembering how the novel plot went.

"Is he having his first berserk transformation?"