The fall of Isaac Johnson.

Alex PVs

After leaving Bob Lee's house I went to my hotel room and sat in the office chair, and lit my cigarette while pouring myself a drink. After doing all my preparations, I accessed my computer and turned on the bug that was planted on Isaac Johnson's cell phone.

He would probably never think that the habits he's developed over the years have spoiled him. Isaac Johnson is a man of habits but among them all, the bad habit he developed while serving with me and the one I used this time, whenever we finish an operation he calls his superiors and informs them, quite a loyal and ambitious dog.

This time it was no different, the dog went to wag its tail at its owner. "Hahaha... I don't care about my men! You'll see Isaac! When I get my hands on you... You'll regret the day you were born!" I muttered those words as I connected the bug I planted on Isaac Johnson's phone through the phone lines. The moment he called his superiors while he was on Bob Lee's property, that's when I caught him.

Isaac Johnson. "Hello? It's me, Bob Lee Swagger agrees to collaborate with us. We can start phase two now."

"You are a cruel man Mr. Johnson! Perfect for this job and perfect for our organization. Good job!"

Isaac Johnson. "I will do anything for my country! I won't let you down, sir!"

Their conversation was very short, from what I see Isaac knows my brother very well, he knows that our family is patriotic to the point where we are blind to small things, especially soldier friends.

After thinking through all the possible scenarios that would be the goddamn phase two, I went to my bed to end the day or so I thought, it was just a thought because in reality I was forced to answer the phone.

"Hello, I think it's nice to have a good reason to wake me up."

"It's me, I need information."

"What happened Reddington?"

Reddington. "No big deal, I'm looking for information on Tom Sharp."

I didn't even know it had gotten to this point. It's been so long since I came into this world that I've forgotten many things about the series, I just remember the main events. "Talk to Major Bill, I clearly remember rejecting Tom Keen as Elisabeth's protector, but someone said he was perfect. Didn't I warn you?"

Reddington. "Okay, you were right and I was wrong, are you satisfied? Can you tell me what you know?"

"First, talk to the Major and threaten him for information.

So you investigate the secret locations and hiding places, about that information you said, I don't own, all I know is that it's all your fault!

Worst of all is that I can't go to your side, things here are entering the final phase."

Reddington. "I know, I watched the news.

Seriously, Alex, suicide is so 80s!"

"I know, but it suits his age. The son was a mess, but I didn't leave any clues, luckily."

"Oh, glad you're having fun.

I still don't know who's hunting me, do you have any suspicions?

Don't tell me no, you're the smartest person out of the two of us."

"I have a suspect, Alan Fitch."

Reddington. "Um... I don't think it's possible, we made a deal and he kept it for over 15 years. How can he do that now?"

"That's where you go wrong, I don't think you should be asking the 'how' but the 'why'."

Reddington. "The one you got me, I'm going to investigate that suspect.

I'm starting to think I'm too old for these things!"

"Don't start throwing that at me, you may be old but you're not dead!

To correct the mistake you made!

Frankly... What was going on in your head, to let a man act as Elisabeth's protector and think he wouldn't come into her life?"

Reddington. "So far I don't know...

I should have picked that Ginny!"


It's been 9 days since the first contact between Isaac Johnson and Bob, today is the day of the rally and Bob won't be there to see it.

I'm here in the crowd watching Bob Lee and his family join in the festivities, everything is going according to plan, now we just have to wait.

The president is coming, that's my cue! I walked out of the crowd and walked over to the men watching Bob Lee, they are no longer needed.


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Isaac Johnson will eat your cookies)