The fall of Isaac Johnson part 2

Alex PVs

As soon as I got rid of the men who were watching Bob Lee, I sent the signal and he went to the designated place, shortly after that the bandits' transmitter rang.

Tower. "Here is the tower, inform eagle!

This is the tower, inform the eagle!"

I thought for a few seconds and made a deep voice. "This is Eagle 1! Reporting to the tower, all clear here."

Tower. "Eagle, Positive!

Is this the tower for eagle two? The report, eagle two!"

It was what I expected, so it was smoother. "This is eagle two, reporting to the turret: the target is moving towards the first firing point!"

Tower. "Understood, Eagle 2! Proceed as ordered!"

After eluding the bad guys, I head to shooting location number 1. I'm wearing the same outfit as Bob Lee, except with a cap, the other eagles have no idea where Bob Lee is.

As I ran to the scene, I heard a gunshot sound and saw the barrel of the gun.

As soon as I arrived at the scene, a policeman appeared behind me.

"Bob Lee Swagger? Nothing personal, Goodbye!"

I dodged his firing range and disarmed him, we went into hand-to-hand combat where I gave him the spanking of his life.

I quickly fled the place towards the meeting point, turned on the TV, and came face to face with the ugly face of Isaac Johnson saying that the person responsible for the attempt on the president's life is Bob Lee.

News reporter. "We are here with one of the members of national security Isaac Johnson and according to him, the person responsible for the attempt on the president's life is the military officer Bob Lee Swagger, let's see what he has to say.

So Mr. Johnson, what do you think is Bob Lee's motive in trying to kill the president?"

Isaac. "Nothing is conclusive. I know the man, he was a good soldier and a great friend, I don't believe he was the author of this attempt that took the life of the African dictator."

News reporter. "We have security camera footage that shows Bob Lee leaving the scene of the shooting and we also have a police officer who was wounded by the same. Do you think he fits the profile of a terrorist?"

Isaac. "Look, Miss, Bob Lee can be many things, but I don't believe a terrorist is one of them, I trust my instincts! Have a nice afternoon!"

I just want to see this hypocrite's face when he finds out the truth, he's sure to wonder what went wrong. Bob Lee has some pretty convincing witnesses that he was not responsible for this murder.


Bob Lee PVs

News reporter. "We have breaking news, apparently Bob Lee was captured by the FBI just now!

Details are yet to be released, but new evidence and witnesses could turn this case on its head. Stay tuned for more news!"

I'm currently in a cell, with my hands cuffed to the table and my feet on the chair that's welded to the floor, I'm at FBI headquarters in Washington. I'm waiting for the big shots to come and accuse me, I'm sure this will be interesting.

Agent. "Bob Lee Swagger. That's his name, right?"

"Yes, since I was born... I think."

Agent. "You're a US Marine Corps Sniper, right?"


Agent. "Is this weapon yours?"

"Of course this gun is mine, I have a license for it and you illegally confiscated it!"

Agent. "Just answer the damn killer questions!"

I looked at the agent and said. "I'm not a criminal, I'm a soldier and I demand to be treated as such!

I am playing my part as a man of justice and humbly collaborating with your investigations. You crossed the line and offended me, I demand the presence of my lawyer!

See you, you clown!"

Agent. "Listen here you criminal! You are not entitled to anything. The rules are as follows, I command and you obey, if you break the rules you will be punished.

Now tell me, what I want to know! Why did you kill the African dictator, your target was the president?"

"Fuck it! I want my lawyer, you can't deprive me of my rights, I'm a US Army soldier!"

Agent. "Not today!"

"What are you doing?" The bastard punched me twice in the stomach and three in the ribs.

"Stop! what you think you're doing to our suspect!"

I looked at the source of the voice and saw the main source of our plans, at the time I smiled.


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Bob Lee will eat your cookies!)