The Fall of Isaac Johnson Part 4

Bob Lee PV's

After receiving Alex's intelligence, I left the interrogation room and walked over to Agent Memphis. "Thank you so much for waiting for me, Agent Memphis."

Nadine Memphis. "It's like I said, it's the least I can do for you.

I've already spoken to my superior and he has already arranged for a draftsman to paint the suspect's portrait with the information you provided me. Shall we go to him, so you can check it out?"

"Fine. Show me the drawing, I made sure to record his face and any outstanding and unusual features."

As we speak, Nadine Memphis washed me down to a lab and handed me the sketch of the suspicious man. "It's pretty much like Agent Memphis!

Except that the nose is a little smaller and the chin is not that protruding and the main thing is that he is possibly disabled, his leg is missing.

Don't ask me which one, they were in pants and boots, so I can't say."

Nadine Memphis. "It's okay, that helps a lot.

We'll look at the agency's database here and as soon as we find the person who matches his description, we'll call you."

I finally got to the part I wanted. "You know, Agent Nadine Memphis, I'd like to know how my gun ended up at the crime scene and why your partner was so motivated to get a confession out of me.

I think it would be better for all of us if you monitor him, which is why I didn't press charges against him.

I'm here thinking, if this guy was sent by someone, that means you guys were compromised and that this case is not as simple as it seems."

Nadine Memphis. "What do you mean by that?"

I made a thoughtful face and said. "Think with me! The target was supposed to be the president but the assassin missed the target and ended up hitting the African dictator... But what if the bad guy didn't miss and the target was the dictator?

Who would profit from the Dictator's death?"

Nadine Memphis."Um... Who would profit from this would be his second in command, he inherited the position of the former dictator. He is the beneficiary of this conspiracy!"

I smiled a little and said. "And why was my gun at the shooting site?"

As we were talking, Isaac Johnson arrived at the FBI agents and told the receptionist. "I look for the Killer of the dictator Bob Lee Swagger!"

Receptionist. "Sorry Sir, but there are no criminals yet. But Sergeant Swagger is in Agent Memphis' office giving a statement."

Isaac Johnson. "And where is this room, I'm national security and Bob Lee Swagger is the prime suspect in this bombing! I need to see him now!"

Receptionist. "It's on the second floor, the first room on the left."

Upon knowing my location, Isaac Johnson runs to meet me, getting there he knocks on the door and says. "Open the door, it's national security we're here to interrogate the suspect!"

Nadine Memphis walked to the door and opened it, looking at the men in black suits she said. "Sorry, but there are no suspects here.

Our only witness, Sergeant Swagger is giving a statement and describing the man suspected of shooting and killing the African dictator."

Isaac Johnson was surprised and asked. "What does that mean, Ex Sergeant Swagger is the prime suspect and should have been arrested and indicted, may I know what's going on here?"

Nadine Memphis. "Sir...?"

Isaac Johnson. "My name is Isaac Johnson, secret service agent under the president's watch!"

Nadine Memphis. "So Mr. Johnson, Sergeant Swagger came to our office today of his own free will.

And the main thing is that at the time the African dictator was killed, I was right here in this office talking to Mr. Bob, about a suspicious man carrying a large bag, possibly a sniper rifle, heading towards the shooting site.

He is not the murderer, and I have over 11 people including myself who have seen Mr. Bob walk into this agency."

Isaac Johnson was surprised and for a few seconds, he couldn't react in time. "That... If he's not the shooter, then who is?"

Nadine Memphis pulls out a drawing and points at it. "This man is our prime suspect, now we just need to name the face."

Isaac Johnson. "That's a relief, if Bob Lee was the killer I wouldn't know what to do.

Give me a minute so I can pass this information on to my superiors!"

We were looking at Isaac Johnson leaving Nadine's room, when he arrived in an isolated place, Isaac called. "It's me, Hugh, things went wrong!"

Hugh Meachum. "What was Isaac, what could go wrong, everything is done, right?"

Isaac Johnson. "Everything is done, apart from the fact that at the time of the assassination of the African Dictator, Bob Lee was at FBI Headquarters with Agent Memphis, giving an official statement, about a suspicious man carrying a large bag!

What do we do?"

Hugh Meachum. "Let's ignore this suspicious man and also cover up this testimony!

Listen carefully to what you must do, you will kill this Memphis agent and destroy the FBI agent's security tapes and things will work out, Bob Lee Swagger will be the villain, and you the hero!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Hugh Meachum will eat your cookies!)