The fall of Isaac Johnson part 5

Bob Lee PV's

Isaac Johnson. "But how am I going to kill an FBI agent at the FBI headquarters right in the middle of Washington?

Hugh, have you gone crazy?"

Hugh Meachum. "You'll have your way, it's your fault that everything is going wrong!"

Isaac Johnson. "Fuck Hugh! I did everything right, the plan went as expected!"

Hugh Meachum. "And you think the organization wants to know, they want results without headaches! Fix this before it becomes a problem, you know what will happen if you become a problem!"

After being threatened by Hugh, Isaac became angry and nervous. "Alright Hugh, I'm going to kill Agent Memphis! But I'm going to need a team, send Jack Payne and his men!"

Hugh Meachum. "I don't know if he'll accept it, it's up to you and him!"

After hearing Hugh Meachum's words, Isaac ended the call and called Jack Payne, after contact he came back to the room where I am and said. "Can you prove you were here at the time of the bombing?"

"Of course, I can, if you had read Agent Memphis' file, you wouldn't ask this question.

Agent Memphis, can you take us to the security room?"

Nadine Memphis. "Of course, I'll show you the security tape from the time of the bombing.

Come with me, I'll ask my boss for permission."


Coming to the security room, where we checked the security cameras and I saw Isaac's face get ugly, it looks like he ate a plate full of flies. There are certainly no happy endings for traitors, I'm glad I can taste their despair.

After receiving a message, Isaac visibly relaxed and started asking questions about the case wanting to know everything about this suspect, a few minutes later the front door exploded and a group of heavily armed and camouflaged men stormed the place.

I saw the invaders killing everyone who got in their way and said, "Agent Memphis! Where's the Armory?

These men are no joke, they will kill everyone!"

Nadine Memphis ran to the stairs leading to the first floor and opened fire on the invaders. "Arsenal is on the first floor, we need to go through them!"

Isaac Johnson drew his gun and also opened fire, along with his men. "So what are we waiting for?

Kill these bastards!"

Nadine Memphis. "No rush, the keys stay with the director, we need to go to the third floor, get the keys and then go to the Arsenal!"

"So let's go, every second someone dies!

I need a gun, does anyone have one left?"

~ Bang!

~ Bang!


The exchange of fire continued as we retreated to the stairs, Jack Payne's men killing all the men and women who resisted but spared those who surrendered.

We went upstairs and halfway there, Agent Memphis got a call from her boss, her direct. "Memphis. Where are you?

Nadine Memphis. "I'm with Sergeant Swagger and the Secret Service men.

Where is the Lord?"

Director. "I'm going to the elevator, I'll meet you on the second floor!"

Nadine Memphis. "It's not necessary, go to your office and get the Arsenal keys, and on the way, take all the men you can!"


I took the gun given to me by Agent Memphis and shot a man who put his face on the stairs. "Come on, these men have more weapons than us and they also have more men!

We need access to Arsenal or else call for backup!"




Isaac Johnson shot and killed two invaders. "Can't ask for help, they're using signal jammers, no phone works!

We're stuck here with them!"

Nadine Memphis. "That's not true, I can talk to the director.

How are the signal jammers active?"

I smiled wryly and said. "Their goal is to keep us inside and out of contact with the outside, so it makes no sense for them to block the internal signal.

They also need to communicate!"

We quickly reached the third floor, there were two bodies at the elevator entrance. "Looks like the director knows how to use his gun.

Let's hurry, get your weapons and ammo, we have a long day ahead!"


(A/N: I need POWER STONES!!)