The Fall of Isaac Johnson Part 6

Alex PV's

(1 hour before the FBI break-in)

I've just passed on all the information my associates discovered after hacking Isaac's phone, now just let Nadine Memphis work with Bob Lee, the two of them will work great together.

While I was lost in thought looking out over the Washington landscape, I received the call I had been waiting for.

"Speak, how are things there?"

Ginny. "All is well, the second boss's family is safe!

I'm almost there, another twenty minutes."

"Alright, your stuff is in the locker across the street from the airport.

You have 30 minutes to get here!"

Ginny. "You're the boss, boss!"

While I was talking to Gina on the cell phone, my computer was in listening mode on Isaac's cell, I found myself listening very carefully to the conversation between Isaac and Hugh Meachum.

When they mentioned Jack Payne and crew, I got nervous and yelled at Gina. "Change of plans, you have 30 minutes to arrive at the FBI agent with a heavily armed team!

Delay is not an option, the security of the plan is at risk!"

I quickly hung up the phone and called Reddington as I walked out of the hotel toward my brother. "Reddington! What do you know about Annex B?"

Reddington. "How did you get into this mud?

You know what, forget it. Annex B is an obscure sector of the military, they are under the name of Lon Schott, a billionaire in the security sector..."

"That I know, tell me something I don't!"

Reddington. "Do you know Hugh Meachum?"

"I hear he's involved with Lon Schott, he's with the CIA and he's covering Lon."

Reddington. "The CIA is just a facade Hugh Meachum is a corrupt posing as a CIA agent but he is responsible for the Annex B program, he is the one who commands the Lon mercenaries to carry out illegal missions in the name of the country, committing various war crimes and expanding the influence of the Conspiracy."

"So the man in charge is Hugh Meachum and Lon Schott is a bourgeois and a member of the Conspiracy?"

Reddington. "Nearly that. He ran for the board a few years ago, but it's not easy to have a seat at the adult table and he's just a mid-ranking member of the Conspiracy who still hasn't earned a seat at the table.

As for Hugh Meachum, he's been under the director for many years, the only reason he doesn't have a seat on the council is that he's not loyal to the cause, and he's only there for the money.

But don't underestimate him, this guy's influence in the conspiracy is second only to the members of the council and he is responsible for Annex B no wonder!"

"Thanks, but I have to kill Hugh Meachum and Jack Payne, so I'm going. Bye."

I arrived at the door of the agency with my men, it's been 38 minutes since the call between Hugh and Isaac, I think I'm late. "Gina, you take half the men and go after the blood trails and corpses, I'm going to the principal's office!"

Ginny. "Alright boss!

Team 1, 2, and 6 come with me! "

"Alright men, you don't want to be left behind!

One of you, go to the monitoring room and keep an eye on the cameras, you will be our guide!

The rest go to the principal's office, kill everything that isn't the target!"

As we climb the stairs to the third floor we hear the sounds of gunfire, it seems we are heading to the right place.


Bob Lee PV's

"Looks like the director knows how to defend himself!

He takes the weapons and we'll find him!"

Isaac Johnson. "Alright, it looks like these guys are professionals but not experts!

Bob Lee, what do we do?"

I smiled on the inside but said it seriously on the outside. "Nothing has changed, we have to go to the director and get the Arsenal keys.

These men are brave enough to break into the FBI agency, I don't think they'll worry about the crowded streets if we get away!"

Nadine Memphis. "Sergeant Swagger is right! We have to fight these bad guys and find out why they are here and what they want!

Come with me, the principal's office is right over there."

We walked cautiously to the principal's office, arriving at the door when the Memphis agent knocked. "Director, it's me Nadine Memphis! Are you okay?"

The Director quickly opened the door and said. "Nadine, what's going on here, do you know why they're here and what they want?"

I was surprised by the number of people inside, there are about twenty people, and it's been less than ten minutes since the bandits invaded. I have to admit, this director is a smart man. "Hello Director, I'm Sergeant Swagger of the American Armed Forces.

I'll cut to the chase, these men who invaded this agency are heavily armed and we are not, we need to enter the Arsenal and only you have the keys.

Are you coming with us or are you going to hand over the key?"

The director was surprised by what I said, I just don't know if it's my identity or my direct approach, but he said it quickly. "We are going with you, there are many of us and not all of us have weapons or hands, and we only have the ammunition that is in the weapon, I need to get to Arsenal too!

Nice to meet you, Sergeant Swagger!"






I was surprised that all these shots were fired and none of them were in our direction, something is happening. And that was not in anyone's plans.

Nadine Memphis. "I think it's the reinforcements!

Logically, we don't contact anyone and logically, no one should be able to contact us, right?"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Nadine Memphis will confiscate your cookies!)