The Fall of Isaac Johnson Part 8

Alex PV's

I looked at the bullet-resistant door and said. "I'm allowing you to get out of this alive but don't think I'm charitable, I'm just on a tight deadline and I don't want to waste time opening this damn sardine can.

If you force me to waste any more time than I've already wasted opening this door, I swear I'll hunt down anyone connected with you!

I swear on my life!"

Jack Payne. "Stop stalling, if you can get in, get in!

Don't be barking at me, shut up, and don't piss me off!

You look like a menstruating little bitch!"

I swear this guy freaks me out, I've never wanted to kill anyone in my life as much as this guy. "Alright, we're coming in! I'm going to kill everything you love!"

Jack Payne. "Okay, you've said this several times, I'm waiting for you to do it!

I've decided to ignore that annoying face and have my men bring me a really big plasma cutter, I'm going to break down that door and kill that Payne faggot.


Bob Lee PV's

Isaac Johnson. "So Bob, the shooting is getting more and more constant, I think all the people working in this building are dead, apart from those with us of course.

For now, at least, things have spiraled out of control in ways I could never have imagined."

"The devil is in the details. This looks more like a shootout to me than terrorists killing FBI logisticians.

Speaking of which, where are the inspectors and action men of this agency, I mean, didn't these guys break in too easy?"

Director. "To tell you the truth, our men are on the streets investigating the death of the African dictator and in the building, there are only a few old fourth agents and the logistics staff.

We are located in Washington and we are a federal organization, that would raid this place, usually, people want to leave and not enter.

Nobody ever imagined that someone would invade this place!"

"That makes sense!

So that means the professionals are the ones behind it and he's behind it all.

"Well, but someone got in and it's pretty easy, these terrorists are no small thing, and..."






After reaching the second floor, we saw several bodies and there were still some men guarding the entrance, we managed to catch them from behind and off guard and now they are all dead. "It's like I said Isaac, it's someone who's an enemy of these men and they've come to kill them all.

I just hope they don't want to end us too."

Nadine Memphis. "I agree with you, the enemy of my enemy is not always our friend.

Let's go to the Arsenal quickly, the shots must have alerted the enemies."

"Yes! We have to hurry, the gentlemen there who are unarmed, grab a gun, and let's go!

Don't forget to get the ammo and all the explosives if you have them!" By the time I finished speaking, everyone had acted and we continued down to search the second floor without much trouble, then we went downstairs, and then we arrived at the armory.

Nadine Memphis. "Director, it's the time! Open the gate and let's find them and kill them all!"

Director. "Alright, I just need to use the key, write a word and use my biometrics."

As we focused on the door, a sweet voice came from behind me. "Look what we have here... Looks like this place has a rat problem!"

"Fuck! Someone's arrived!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Jack Payne will violently steal your cookies!)