The Fall of Isaac Johnson Part 9

Bob Lee PV's

"Hi Gina, since when am I a mouse?

And most importantly, what's going on here?"

Ginny. "I wasn't referring to you, some rats have invaded the agency and it looks like you are the target."

Nadine Memphis. "He's the target, but why would anyone risk so much just to take Sergeant Swagger's life?"

Ginny. "Since when did I say someone is after his life?

I've said it and I'll say it again, he's the target. The boss is trying to break into the security and monitoring site that is under the control of the bad guys."

Nadine Memphis. "And who is your boss?"

Bob Lee. "They want me to take the blame for this murder, but as I was at the agency and I have the cameras as a witness, if they destroy all the footage then I have no proof of my innocence."

Nadine Memphis. "But this is total madness, this is the central FBI agency for God's sake!

And it's not even feasible, we have many people dead and that in itself is the biggest proof of this conspiracy!"

"I don't know if it makes sense or if it's feasible, the point itself is they're here and they're not to be trifled with, a lot of people have already died and we have to get it over with one way or another!

Let's go straight to the Arsenal and then to the security and monitoring site!"

Nadine Memphis. "I agree!"

Ginny. "You go alone, I have my orders!

Do you want me to lose my job?"

"Alright, our team will go to the Arsenal and then to the security and monitoring area and Ginny will follow the orders previously given to her!"

"Isaac Johnson. "Who's your boss?"

Ginny. "And why should I say, who the hell are you?"

Isaac Johnson. "My name is Isaac Johnson and I'm a Secret Service agent, I have the suspect Sergeant Swagger in my custody!

I demand that you contact your superiors so we can coordinate!"

Ginny ignored Isaac, she turned to Bob and said. "I'm coming Bob Lee, see you later!

See you later Mr. Headmaster and Agent Memphis."

After finding Gina on this floor, I know it's Alex who's been causing havoc in the enemy ranks. Now I can relax and fulfill my mission, but first I have to get rid of Isaac and these unreliable people who follow us.


Alex PV's

I have to admit, the FBI is very responsible for the security of your data, but when it's used against me, it still makes me very uncomfortable. "How long has it been?"

"Sir, it's been five minutes since we've been using the torch to break down the door!"

I'm kind of frustrated, it's not easy for me to have a cyber fight with at least six hackers while I'm still controlling the agency's security cameras. "If the blowtorch is difficult, use explosives!

I want these people out of here in ten minutes tops!

Someone also writes down the name and number of the person who built this door!"

"Yes sir!"

I am very frustrated, to say the least. I still have a conspiracy to defeat, I can't lose face here and let my brother be framed. "Jack Payne! Last chance to redeem and admit defeat!

You've got three minutes to decide, if you don't get out by then, I'm going to blow this door and you too!"

Jack Payne. "Hahahahaha... You're so funny you brat, I don't need your charity and I don't even need those three minutes of yours!

It's like I said yesterday, if you have the ability, come in here and kill me!"

My face has darkened, I'm angry! Like this guy, how can someone be so annoying? "You managed to piss me off!

I'm going to kill you bitch!

Record my words well. You're dead!"

Jack Payne. "Hahaha... You talk too much, while you're talking and talking, I'm ready to go and end your dog's life!

This guy is bluffing. "Get C4 ready, let's send this door and the people inside to hell!"






I thought all the bad guys were dead, but it seems Ginny didn't kill them all. "Gin, what happened?

Didn't you kill all those mice?"

Ginny. "Boss, no good! Jack Payne called for backup!

There are thirty men armed to the teeth entering this building!

What do we do?"

"Act according to plan, we're on schedule and that's expected, kill them all!"

Jack Payne. "What do you think, Mister Masked? This is the real surprise made especially for you!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Jack Payne will steal all your cookies!)