Are we all murderers?

Elisabeth Keen PVs

I've already messaged the task force and said I have a consultant who can help me, but I need you to keep an eye on my consultant as I can't trust him.

Arriving at the agency, I asked Aram for Kruger's number, as I know they live in the same building. "Aram, are you still in contact with Kruger?"

Aram Mojtabai. "Hello, Agent Keen!

Yeah, I still keep in touch with him, we're working on a tech project, geeky stuff."

I was surprised, I didn't know a murderer was a nerd. "Serious?

He doesn't strike me as the type of person who spends a lot of time in front of the computer.

Is he good at this?"

Aram Mojtabai. "Why are you saying that, as far as I know, he's a programmer connected to the SkyNet conglomerate?"

"What! Does he work for the SkyNet Conglomerate?

If he works there, that means he earns more than enough money to support himself and have a comfortable life, right?"

Aram Mojtabai. "Um... Whether his life is comfortable, I don't know.

All I know is that he developed or was involved in four of the six major social networks launched by the SkyNet Conglomerate."

Now I was amazed, at how Aram knows him so well, it doesn't make sense. "Aram, how do you know all this?"

Aram Mojtabai. "Um... I don't know if I said this before, but he's a good friend.

We've been in touch since the day he moved into the building I live in, to taking care of Red when he travels."

"You know he's a murderer, right?

You've befriended a wanted assassin by the CIA suspected of killing several important figures.

Do you think that's right, I mean, you're an FBI agent."

Aram Mojtabai. "What's the problem with interacting with a neighbor, I haven't committed any crimes and about murderers, me too, you too, Donald, Mr. Cooper, and even Agent Meera Malik.

Why this prejudice against him?"

"It doesn't matter, you didn't understand what I said.

Can you give me the number or not?"

Aram Mojtabai. "I think you are right.

I already sent it to you."

I have to admit, Aram's words impacted me more than I let on, in our line of work, whether or not we take lives and the biological concept, they are still human even if they don't behave like one.

I think my feelings influenced my judgments, I should try to relate to him more professionally and less emotionally.

I took out my cell phone and dialed the number Aram had sent me. "Hello, is this Kruger?"

Alex. "Hello Agent Keen, what can I do for you?"

I still don't understand why just hearing his voice makes me angry. "So... Kruger, I need your help on a case."

Alex. "No need to call me Kruger, my name is Alexander or Alex.

I know the reason for your call, Reddington has already asked me to help him with his case as he is busy."

"Will you help me please?"

Alex. "I'll go, I've already had a look at the paper, and I know a little about the case.

The guy is a weird serial killer, right?"

"Yes, usually serial killers increase, not this one.

Victims and method vary, I never noticed a pattern."

Alex. "I understand a lot about serial killers, but what you're describing to me doesn't sound like a murderer, but something else.

Whether you want to kill someone efficiently or just for pleasure, assassins do two things.

The first is to try to disguise the cause of death, the second is to expose the cause of death.

Serial killers often develop a method or have a process for selecting victims, who fit a pattern.

So Lizzy, tell me, do you still think he's a serial killer?"

I understand what he means, this serial killer's actions don't fit into anything and that's what confuses me. "If he's not a murderer, then what is he?"

Alex. "Not having a pattern is already a clue.

His victims were found dead or died later, that's important to the case.

Did he personally kill them or did they die from blood loss or other factors?"

"You mean…he's not a murderer but a torturer, and that's why he calls 911?"

Alex. "I don't know, but it would be nice if you looked at this case from another perspective."

"Looking from another angle..."

Alex. "Yea?"

I hung up the phone and said I asked Aram. "Aram!

Look at the victims' profiles and see if you find anything unusual about them or their family members.

Anything that repeats is a pattern we can investigate!"

Aram Mojtabai. "Alright, I'll do it now!"

Alex. "Agent Keen? Hi!"

"Thanks, Alex for your help!"

Alex. "Ah? Recognition, this is new!

You need me to get there, I can give you a better analysis of the case, I only gave my guesses based on what I read in the newspaper, and with the little data you gave me on your cell phone, maybe there is something I don't see."

Now I feel kind of guilty, for treating him so rudely all this time. "I'd like to, how long would it take you to get here?"

Alex. "I'll be there in twenty minutes, I'm on my way!"


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Aram will eat your cookies!)