Reconciliation and a fresh start!

Alex PV's

I told my theory to Elisabeth based on what I remember from the series and with my supreme memory, I remember almost everything.

I hung up the phone and accelerated my Lamborghini Aventador towards the post office, arrived in the main room in less than fifteen minutes, and saw the entire task force assembled. "Did you get any new information on the case?"

Donald Ressler. "Look at the criminal, just because you're helping us with the case doesn't mean you're part of the task force.

No matter how many good things you do, it won't change the bad things you've done!"

Elisabeth Keen. "Ressler! Stop it, he was invited here by me.

You know he has so many resources when Reddington and unlike Reddington, we don't have a deal with him, he's helping us out of pure goodwill.

I'm not asking you to like it, I just hope you can be tolerant so we can do our job.

I'm sorry, Alex!

Thank you for helping us."

I looked at this whole theater with a wry smile and replied. "Hello Donald, good to see you are over what happened in Marrakech.

Relax Elisabeth, I'm not that mean.

If I said I would help, it's because I will.


It's good to see you're okay, how's the wife?

Keep an eye on your neighbor, that guy likes a married woman, it's just a warning.


As the kids are, it's hard-working for the CIA and still raising a family!


How's Red, don't forget to drop by my house this week.

I have a free schedule this week and I'm going to finish programming the app!"

When I finished greeting everyone, the room was silent until Aram said. "Red is fine, but I think he misses you.

I'm free in the evening, I'll show up there on Tuesday."

Meera Malik drew her gun and aimed it at my head. "Give me a reason not to pull the trigger!

You damn psychopath!"

Harold Cooper seeing the situation come out of the contract yelled. "Agent Malik!

Lower your weapon!

That's an order, get down now!"

Elisabeth walked in front of me and came under Agent Malik's pistol. "Calm down Meera!

We are law enforcement officers, not ruthless killers!

He hasn't committed any crimes yet, let's calm down and talk like civilized adults!"

Donald Ressler. "She's right Agent Malik.

As much as I want to put a bullet through this psychopath's head, we are still law enforcement officers and we will not want to break the laws we are sworn to protect.

It will only make you look like him."

I stood in the middle of the room looking at all this embarrassing theater until I found it irritating and started a productive one with Aram. "So, Aram! Did you find any leads on the case?"


Here we go again, for yet another cesspool of useless interrogations under an even more useless polygraph. "You know I can get around this thing anytime, right Harold?"

Harold Cooper. "How do you know so much about our lives and why did you decide to reveal this now?"

"Come on, Harold!

There are no secrets in this world and there is no security either, just the false sense of being safe.

I know these so-called secrets because someone hasn't kept their mouths shut.

I make a living based on secrets, if I didn't know the basics about the people I interact with, I'd be dead a long time."

Harold Cooper. "Who is your informant?

What are your intentions regarding this task force and what are you planning?"

"Come on Harold, I didn't tell you any secrets!

Let me go, I was trying to be nice and fit in!

You are cruel!"

Elisabeth Keen. "Assistant Director Cooper, I think he's playing with us.

We're not being taken seriously and this is pissing me off, I think we should lock him in the box for forty-eight hours, what do you think?"

Donald Ressler. "I approve, I'm sick of this asshole!"

Aram Mojtabai. "I don't think that's cool, we don't have any plausible excuse to keep him in confinement."

Harold Cooper. " Agent Mojtabai is right, we cannot detain him here without reason.

But I confess that I would love to."

Meera Malik. "Agent keen is right!

He didn't reveal his knowledge to threaten us, I'm afraid he's toying with us.

Release that clown soon, before I go in there and commit a crime."

Harold Cooper. "Agent Mojtabai, it's up to you.

I hate to admit it, but we're going to need his help in this case and maybe the next ones.

Until Reddington shows up, we have to keep him close, maybe he can lead us to Reddington's whereabouts.

Speaking of which, has anyone found an Alexander that might match his features?"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Meera Malik will eat your cookies!)