The shadows that left their mark part 4

Alex PV's

After we reorganized, we prepared everything to travel back home.

That's right, let's go to Blue Eye, I know it may seem like an exaggeration, but I haven't been back to my hometown in a long time, I've been to Texas several times but I didn't dare to go back to the city and remember all my past, deep down I think I'm a coward.

"Hi, Alex?

Are you coming?" Bob Lee noticed my awkwardness.

I snapped out of my thoughts and replied. "I'm going, I'm going to call my pilot to prepare the jet."

Nadine Memphis. "It's all right, the Director gave me carte blanche in the Bob Lee case!"

Bob Lee. "Alex, who is the other person who owns half of Fulcrom?"

"That's a good question, which I'll make sure to answer in the future.

Now it's time for us to focus on your safety and freedom, right?"

Bob Lee. "That's true, I don't want to go to prison!"

Nadine Memphis. "Why do you change so much when Alex is around?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Nadine Memphis. "You may not notice, but your brother has two attitudes, one is the one you are witnessing, and the other is a little arrogant and with a lot of confidence in himself and a natural charisma."

"What's the matter with his personality, he's normal to me!"

Nadine Memphis. "Sorry to be offended, but Alexander's brother Bob Lee is a bit spoiled and very dependent.

Every time you say something, he analyzes it and responds positively, he doesn't add anything and agrees with everything, this contrast is very strange."

"Hahaha... That's normal, I'm the trusted older brother.

It's good to depend on the family, don't you have brothers?"

Nadine Memphis. "I don't want to comment on that!"

"I understand, let's walk because we ended up running out of focus!

Go ahead, I have an important call to make."

Bob Lee left without a word, while Nadine gave me a serious look before turning and walking away.

I looked around the room and then headed for the bathroom, sat on the toilet seat, and dialed. "Hello, it's Me.

We have to talk, Reddington!"

Raymond Reddington. "Speak, what's the emergency?"

"Alan Fitch made his move, and it's a big one!"

Raymond Reddington. "Let me guess!

Does it have anything to do with your brother's chasuble?"

"I see your information is up to date, if you know that you should know why I called, right?"

Raymond Reddington. "Fulcrom, I hit again!"

"No more games, Reddington!

Tell me, do you have your share?"

Raymond Reddington. "To tell you the truth, some things happened and I don't have access to it right now, it will take a few months."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?

All right, I can push Alan Fitch away for a while, we're both well aware of his cautious personality, but the Council is agitated.

We need to be quick!"

Raymond Reddington. "Relax, I don't need his reminders and lectures.

I know what's at stake, as we speak I'm working on it!"

"And am I deceived by you, Reddington?

I'm pretty sure this key is in Elisabeth's possession, and you're trying to make her remember where she is!"

Raymond Reddington smiled softly. "That one you got me, that's exactly what's happening."

"Damn! I knew it was going to go wrong, when I learned that you had modified her childhood memories, I immediately thought it would come back to bite us.

I don't know why I still work by your side."

Raymond Reddington. "Calm down, this isn't a problem, it's at most an unforeseen event."

Heard his calm voice, but I lost patience and ended up disconnecting the call, I got up from the toilet seat and took a deep breath, but I soon regretted it when I remember where I am, but it was too late because the smell of urine and feces was unbearable.

I quickly left the bathroom and looked for Nadine, she was at the entrance of the agency along with Bob Lee waiting for me. "Are you ready?"

Nadine Memphis. "Yes, why did it take so long?"

"I was talking to the other Fulcrom possessor, we are getting ready.

Nadine, will you join us in this war for democracy?"

Bob Lee. "Don't you already have your answer, brother?


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Mary Swagger will eat your cookies!