The shadows that left their mark part 5

Alex PV's

"She has to answer me because this war is very different from everything recorded in the history books.

Unlike the books, this is a silent war!

No names, no people, no bodies, and no blood, the only clue you have of the battles are some headlines in the newspaper."

Nadine Memphis. "Before I give my answer, can you tell me how this works?"

"It's nothing too complex, the term secret war came up after the fall of the Soviet Union.

To be frank, a secret war is a new name for the cold war, we use very subtle means and controlled violence to finish off our enemies.

It's like corporate wars only much bigger and more lethal, you know?"

Nadine Memphis. "And how does that end up in the paper?"

"A while ago, a candidate for the vacant seat of the Supreme Court of Justice Ray Brooks, was brutally murdered, did you hear that news?"

Nadine Memphis. "Have I heard?

This case is the hot potato of the FBI, nobody wants to take this case because it is almost impossible to solve.

This case has almost no leads, the projectile was never found, the killer left no trace, and worst of all is the pressure from superiors."

I pulled into the parking lot and walked towards the trunk of the car. "Well, he is one of the casualties of our battles in this secret war.

Come with me to my car please."

Nadine Memphis walked beside me to the back of the car, I opened the trunk and handed her several newspapers, and said. "In the first newspaper, there is the news of a technology company owner who committed suicide.

The second is about a pharmaceutical company and the irregularities that resulted in the arrest of its founder.

The third is a headline about a corrupt California politician and his schemes and fraud."

Nadine Memphis. "And what do they have to do with all this?"

"Go to the latest paper, please."

Nadine went through newspaper after newspaper, until she saw a very old headline in a Texas newspaper, [HERO SHERIFF KILLED IN SHOOTING WITH RUN AWAY...] After reading the name of the dead cop, Nadine finally understood the previous headlines. . "Were they all killed to hide something?"

"No, just the last one.

All these people died in this secret war, some were allies like the sheriff and some were enemies like the supreme court candidate.

What I'm trying to say is that this war is dangerous, and it has no reward.

The only thing you'll get is an unsolved death and if we win, there's a high chance we'll be arrested or even killed for treason, it's a thankless and unrewarded task.

What is your choice, do you want to be a part of it, is it worth it to you?"

Nadine was silent and I don't blame her, if it wasn't for my problems I wouldn't participate either, I would be at home enjoying my life as an American billionaire and capitalist.

Seeing that I wouldn't have an immediate answer, I took all the newspapers from Nadine's hand and put them back, closed the trunk and went towards the driver's seat, got in the car and started the engine, and asked. "So are we going?"

Bob Lee. "Nadine?

You don't have to take everything my brother says too seriously, sometimes he is very exaggerated.

Come on, you don't have to answer now, think carefully before you act.

We haven't even solved my case yet, you still don't have all the information to make such a decision, don't be impulsive." When he finished his words, he got in, opened the passenger seat door, and sat next to me.

Nadine Memphis stood in the middle of the parking lot for a few seconds and then said. "You're right, silly Lee, I'll see what Mr. Earl Swagger has to say about the Conspiracy, and then I'll make my decision.

If he has proof, even better!

Come on!"

Bob Lee. "As long as you're satisfied and don't feel pressured to make a choice, I'm happy!"

"So Mister Bob Lee Swagger, when did I ever pressure Miss Nadine Memphis?

I'm starting to think you'd like to go running after that car, or am I wrong?"

Bob Lee smiled nervously, tightened his belt, and said. "I was wrong, I'm sorry!

Please don't kick me out!"

"Excuse me, as long as you recognize your mistakes, you can stay in the car.

Now let's go, the pilot is waiting for us.

Fasten your seat belts!"


(City of Dallas, Texas)

After two hours of flying and another two hours of driving with traffic stopped, we arrived at the place where the Fulcrom part of the Swagger family is located. "We're here folks!

Let's all go downstairs because we've wasted a lot of time, tomorrow is Bob Lee's trial and we need to be in Washington today!"

Nadine Memphis. "Um…Alex, not to be an annoying or inconvenient person, but are you sure this is the right place?"

Bob Lee. "Hahaha... Well dad's face, nobody would look there!

For sure, if Dad was going to hide something important, it would be in this place."

"I guess I didn't know the father as well as you did, as it took me nearly ten years to locate this place.

Yes, I'm sure this is the place, Nadine.

Now, before we go in, I need you to show the guard your badge and tell him we're here to get some files from an old case.

If he asks, you say new evidence has come out and they want some evidence to compare."

Nadine Memphis. "It won't work for several reasons, but the main one is that if the FBI wants to compare any evidence, they will use the agency's database.

Any fool knows that, you surprised me not to know that."

"You're right, but that only applies if it's a normal case, if it's a very old case, you have to come to the archives department in person."

Bob Lee. "Because it would be like that, our country is very technologically advanced, so why would we have to come to the archives?"

"Good question, but the answer is not complicated at all.

As the government started using technology in relevant departments only at the beginning of the decade, many files still have not been scanned and placed on the system.

The father's first unsolved case is one of them, and since the father didn't file any cases and studied them in his spare time, they didn't go to the evidence warehouse until long after his death."

Bob Lee. "It makes sense.

Surely, normal people wouldn't know this information."

Nadine Memphis. "And why are you sure what you're looking for is there?"

My response was instantaneous. "Because I am my father's son."


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Earl Swagger will come over to your house to eat your cookies!)