The Grim Reaper

Jinsoku stands up and wipes the blood off his mouth.

Jinsoku: "And them?"

Marcus: "Oh, them? Could call them spectators. They won't be involved. Do you accept the challenge or no?"

Jinsoku: "I mean why would I back out now? You brought yourself to me."

Marcus: "Oh, a big talker? You are slowly becoming less of a mystery, Jinsoku Subayai."

Jinsoku: "I got fans? That's crazy. I thought everybody thought I was a weirdo."

Marcus: "Don't flatter yourself."

Jinsoku (in head): "Damn I can't fight properly like this. I'll have to end this quick before this goes south."

Jinsoku: "Are we fighting or talking?"

Marcus: "Let's get started, shall we?"

Marcus throws a knife towards Jinsoku but Jinsoku manages to dodge it and the knife hits the tree behind him. As Jinsoku looks back, Marcus jumps towards him and kicks but Jinsoku manages to dodge. Marcus misses and kicks the tree, breaking the bark a bit.

Jinsoku gains some space and Marcus lands on the ground.

Jinsoku: "What did that tree ever do to you?"

Marcus: "Best be careful ot that could be you."

Marcus pulls out the knife from the tree.

Jinsoku (in head): "Gotta make this quick."

In the South West area of the woods, Kassius and Arnold are still fighting. Kassius and Arnold punch each other and are both sent to the ground.

Kassius: "Damn, you're good!"

Arnold: "Same to you.."

Both of them leap to their feet and continue fighting. At the starting point, Hermes picks up Bonnie and Sarah.

Hermes (in head): "Test is almost done. Not that many left."

Back in the north area of the woods, Jinsoku is on the floor and Marcus walks towards him.

Marcus: "You know, for all that talk about you, I expected more. Guess rumors are rumors after all."

Marcus tries stamping on him but Jinsoku flips back and stands up. Jinsoku looks at Marcus.

Jinsoku (in head): "Crap! I can't see straight. I'm so dizzy. I can barely see right now."

Jinsoku holds his head.

Marcus: "Guess it's time to end this."

Jinsoku disappears.

Marcus (in head): "Predictable."

Jinsoku appears behind Marcus and tries to kick him but Marcus dodges and kicks Jinsoku into another tree. Jinsoku coughs up more blood. Marcus walks up to him.

Marcus: "Guess you weren't that interesting afte-"

Marcus's group brings a person to him.

Goon 1: "Yo Marcus! Found a person waiting behind the tree."

Goon 2: "Got his gun too."

Marcus looks at Jinsoku.

Marcus: "Just give me a moment. I'll deal with you after this."

Marcus walks towards the captured person.

Marcus: "So, are you w-""

Captured person: "Cut the bullshit! Don't try that you bastard! I saw what you did to the others."

Marcus takes the gun from goon 2. He points it at the captured person's head.

Marcus: "Even when given a chance, you refuse. Do you want to live?"

Captured person: "I'm not gonna waste my time fighting you and dying either way."

Marcus: "Guess you made your choice."

Marcus fires the gun and kills the captured person.

Marcus: "Another bland person. It seems there is no interesting person in my set."

Jinsoku: "Who in the hell do you think you are?"

Marcus: "What?"

Jinsoku: "Do you think you're God or something? Why'd you kill him?"

Marcus: "There was nothing good about him anyway. He was boring and not willing to fight for his life. He didn't care about his life so why should I have? I just helped him leave this world quicker. What's the problem with that?"

Jinsoku: "Is life just a game to you? Do you think you can decide who lives and who doesn't?"

Marcus: "In case you aren't aware, life isn't fair. He wasn't strong enough to survive and it's nobody's fault but his."

Jinsoku: "So everyone weaker than you doesn't deserve to live?!"

Jinsoku stands up.

Marcus: "Let's finish this, shall we?"

The goons grab Jinsoku.

Jinsoku: "Hey! What the hell is going on?"

Marcus: "You've become a pain. More than that, you are boring filth. So let's end this."

Marcus kicks Jinsoku in the head and stomach. He then starts punching Jinsoku and stops after a bit. Jinsoku, bloodied up, is kicked into a tree again and falls to the ground. He is barely conscious.

Marcus: "From what I heard, you aren't that different from me, you psycho. I'm about to do the world a favor."

Jinsoku's head starts aching even worse.

Jinsoku (in head): "Ahhh! I want to kill! No, I don't want to kill. But I do! Kill! No!"

Jinsoku hears voices in his head, begging for their lives.

Jinsoku: "No!"

Marcus swings the knife and just as he is about to stab Jinsoku, Jinsoku blocks the knife with the palm of his hand. It goes right through.

Jinsoku: "..."

Jinsoku tries punching Marcus but Marcus jumps back and gains dome space. Jinsoku stands up bloody and bruised. He removes the knife from his palm.

Jinsoku: "Blood? It smells lovely ahahahahaha!"

Marcus: "So,"

Jinsoku: "Dammit! Come here. I just want to play."

Jinsoku smiles in a sinister way.

Goon 1: "Let me take care of this."

Goon 1 runs towards Jinsoku.

Goon 1: "Who do you think yo-"

Jinsoku disappears and instantly appears in front of him, kicking his neck. The goon falls to the floor, his mouth foaming and stops breathing. Jinsoku starts tearing apart his top and removes his footwear. He stands above the dead body of goon 1, shirtless and bare foot.

Jinsoku: "No! I didn't mean to kill hi- Oh wait, Yes I did! Oh how satisfying!"

Marcus: "You're acting different. Sudden confidence?"

Jinsoku: "Should I kill you? No I won't kill yo- I'll bathe in your blood! No! I won't ki-"

Jinsoku holds his head and starts laughing. As Jinsoku is laughing, he starts crying at the same time.

Jinsoku: "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to kill you. I can't help it. I - I want to kill more! I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of this. Somebody kill me, please! Come here and die!"

Marcus: "Circle him."

Everyone circles Jinsoku. Jinsoku starts laughing even harder.

Jinsoku: "Can you hear that? Can you hear the screams? The screams of people as they beg for their life. It's so thrilling. I- I can't stand it! It hurts. Hearing those screaming voices every night. I can't get them out of my head. Please ju- Just come over here so I can kill you already!"

Jinsoku looks up.

Jinsoku: "Hey, look at that."

Jinsoku points towards the sky.

Jinsoku: "Such a beautiful moon."

A goon from the group jumps towards Jinsoku.

Jinsoku: "It's a perfect day..."

Jinsoku jumps up in the air to avoid getting hit by the goon and does a front flip, kicking the goon in the head sending him to the floor. The goon hits the floor hard and goes unconscious.

Jinsoku: "A perfect day to die!"

Jinsoku stabs him in the heart and the guy dies. Everyone looks at Jinsoku in shock. Jinsoku starts smiling but he starts crying.

Jinsoku: "Why me? Why does it have to be me? I don't want this anymore. Please kill me! Kill me like your life depends on it. And trust me when I say, it does! Ahahahahaha!!"

The group starts running towards Jinsoku. A guy runs up and punches Jinsoku in the face. Jinsoku takes the punch and punches the guy back in the face, knocking the guy on the floor. A guy from behind him tries to stab Jinsoku with a knife. Jinsoku turns and grabs his arm. He pulls the knife from him and stabs it directly into his chest. Another person rushes towards Jinsoku with a knife. As the guy thrusts towards Jinsoku, he dodges and causes that guy to stabthe previous guy.

Jinsoku: "Ooh! You missed. Try again."

The guy turns around to see Jinsoku but is kicked immediately in the face, sending him to the ground bleeding through his nose. The person stops breathing.

Marcus: "Just what in the hell are you?"

Jinsoku looks towards Marcus.

Jinsoku: "What am I? I'm just a regular person. Is it that hard to see? Look."

Jinsoku cuts his skin and blood starts dripping.

Jinsoku: "See, I bleed red. I'm a human just like you. Unless, it's more than that. Are you afraid of me, perhaps? What happened to the confidence?"

Marcus: "You aren't the least bit frightening."

Jinsoku: "Oh? Then why are you all not coming for me now? Just kill me! It shouldn't be so hard to do right? But it is. Because you are face to face with a bigger threat than yourself. Typical human beings. This is how it should be. I'm your Grim Reaper and I've come to take your life hahahaha! Care to play a game?"