I Couldn't Kill You

Jinsoku: "What? Cat got your tongue?"

The rest of the group run away.

Marcus: "Damn good for nothings. Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because you got a bit overconfident doesn't make you any better than before."

Jinsoku: "Overconfident? Me? Why would you assume that? I just wanna have some fun. Don't you?"

Marcus: "Make no mistake, I'm gonna end you right here right now."

Jinsoku lifts his hands up.

Jinsoku: "OK I give. I'm joking. I've been scared this whole time. Looks like my plan didn't work so I can't get away. Please don't kill me. I concede so just knock me out and be done with it."

Marcus: "What?"


Marcus: "Are you mocking me?!"

Marcus rushes towards Jinsoku. As soon as he blinks, Jinsoku is gone. Marcus turns around and sees Jinsoku standing with the same pose.

Jinsoku: "Why are you running away? I gave up."

Marcus: "Think this is some sort of joke?"

Jinsoku: "Joke? I'm as serious as can be. Here. Let me do you a favor."

Jinsoku uses spare rope and ties his arms together.

Jinsoku: "See? I surrender. Now come on big fella. Knock me out will ya?"

Marcus runs towards Jinsoku. As he attempts to hit him, Jinsoku releases his hands from the ropes.

Jinsoku: "Boo!"

Jinsoku punches Marcus and hits hit to the ground.

Jinsoku: "Ahahahaha! You should've seen the look on your face. You really thought I surrendered."

Marcus tries to kick Jinsoku but he jumps back.

Jinsoku: "Woah there big guy!"

Marcus stands up from the floor.

Jinsoku: "Look at you. Look at me. Can he see? I can see. Are you good? Of course I'm good. Is he good? Yeah he's probably fine."

Marcus: "You talk to yourself often, weirdo?"

Jinsoku: "I'm not talking to myself. I'm talking to him. Right? Yes."

Marcus: "Just tell your friend in that psycho brain of yours I'm killing both your asses."

Jinsoku: "Again with the killing. Aren't you tired of blood for one night? Take it easy."

Marcus: "I'm the only one that decides that."

Jinsoku: "Well I guess there is no game anymore. So be it."

Jinsoku instantly runs towards Marcus. Marcus tries kicking him but Jinsoku dodges to the side. Jinsoku kicks Marcus and sends him to the ground. Marcus stands up bleeding from the mouth. He picks up a knife nearby where he fell.

Marcus (in head): "Where the hell did he go?"

The woods go silent. Marcus around and doesn't see anything. He looks above himself and sees Jinsoku hanging upside down from a branch on the tree next to him looking directly down at him.

Jinsoku: "Next time aim for a higher kick, alright?"

Marcus stands up and turns around to the branch but Jinsoku is gone.

Marcus (in head): "I could keep up with him earlier. What the hell is going on?"

Jinsoku: "Tired? He might be. Should I finish him? Sure."

Marcus turns around and Jinsoku punches him in the stomach. Jinsoku follows up with three punches to the abdomen and kicks his head, sending him to the floor. Jinsoku grabs his leg and drags him through the woods.

Jinsoku: "Don't die on me. The fun's just started!"

Jinsoku grabs both feet and starts spinning him around. Jinsoku lets go and Marcus flings into a tree. He coughs up blood.

Jinsoku: "Wooo! Everything is spinning so fast ahahahaha!"

Marcus stands up and looks at him.

Marcus (in head): "I'm going to die at this rate."

Jinsoku: "I bet you're wondering what you can do. Tell you what you can do. You can stand up and continue fighting. Don't give up on me now. I was just having some fun. Please don't ruin it. I don't want to have to kill you."

Marcus stands up.

Jinsoku: "That's nice. Now let's cont- argh!"

Jinsoku grips his head in pain. Marcus runs up to Jinsoku. Jinsoku tries dodging back but Marcus stabs him through his gut. Jinsoku tries kicking him back but Marcus dodges and moves back.

Jinsoku: "You... you stabbed me."

Jinsoku starts touching the knife.

Jinsoku: "Ha! You stabbed me. Ahahahahaha! You actually stabbed me!"

Marcus: "What's so amus-"

Jinsoku: "I'm going to kill you now."

Marcus looks at him with fear as he notices Jinsoku staring at him with the most evil smile he's ever seen. Marcus gets in a fighting stance. Jinsoku starts running around Marcus in a circle.

Marcus (in head): "What the hell? Is that even possible? He's creating after images. Just how fast is this guy? I can't tell where he is."

Jinsoku: "Over here! No, over here! Idiot, don't tell him. I'm over here! Ahahahahaha!"

Marcus looks around and tries attacking one of the sides. He misses and gets kicked in the back of the head.

Jinsoku: "Try again!"

Marcus turns around.

Marcus: "Enough of these games! Fight me like a man."

Jinsoku: "OK."

Marcus turns around and sees Jinsoku behind him. He tries gaining distance but is stopped by his arm which is tied to Jinsoku's.

Jinsoku: "Nu uh uh! No leaving now. You said like a man right? So we shall settle this like men. But first."

Jinsoku pulls out the knife from his gut. He throws the knife into a tree.

Marcus: "Are you sure that was a good idea?"

Jinsoku: "That was a horrible idea. Do I care? No! Anyways, let's make this quick before I pass out. Just blow for blow. Winner's the last one standing. You can start. Ready?"

Marcus: "..."

Jinsoku: "Don't be nervous. I won't dodge this time. See? Hit me."

Marcus gets irritated.

Marcus: "Time to end these stupid games."

Marcus kicks Jinsoku's head.

Jinsoku: "..."

Marcus: "Bet your silent now. What happened to all the laughing huh?"

Jinsoku: "Good hit. My turn."

Jinsoku kicks Marcus in the head and he falls to the ground.

Jinsoku: "Oof! That's gotta sting. Your turn."

Marcus (in head): "What the hell? Why did that hurt so much? And I never even saw it coming."

Marcus: "How did you do that?"

Jinsoku: "Hmm?"

Marcus: "Cut the crap!"

Jinsoku: "This is just sad now. Looks like tonight was not your night. Fate brought you to the worst person you could've had in this exam. Time to end this."

Marcus: "Give it your best shot!"

Marcus stands up. Jinsoku spins and hits him with a roundhouse kick to the head but Marcus attempts to block. When Jinsoku's kick landed, Marcus's arm fractured and the impact sent him to the ground. Marcus hit his head on the floor very hard causing him to go unconscious. Jinsoku falls to the ground.

Jinsoku: "Dammit! I lost too much blood. I won't be able to kill him. No!!!"

Jinsoku starts crying.

Jinsoku: "I won't be able to kill him."

Jinsoku goes unconscious from the blood loss.

At South west side of the woods, Kassius is on the floor and Arnold is standing.

Arnold: "Looks like I win."

Kassius: "You wish."

Kassius kick flips back up and gets in a fighting pose.

Arnold: "Guess this is the one to end it. I'm hurt, you're hurt. Who's going to fall first?"

Kassius: "Battle of attrition. May the best man win."