Last Man Standing

Kassius runs towards Arnold. He starts throwing punches and Arnold starts blocking. Arnold attempts to attack back but Kassius blocks his punches as well. They trade blows and both block each other quite well. Kassius tries to kick Arnold in the head but Arnold leaps backwards and lands on his arms. He spins on the ground, sweeping Kassius by his feet. As Kassius blocks, Arnold kicks Kassius in the chest and sends him into a nearby tree. Arnold kicks back up and runs towards Kassius. Arnold kicks at Kassius but he dodges and Arnold kicks the tree. Kassius stands up and grabs Arnold's leg. Arnold jumps the air and tries kicking Kassius with his other leg but Kassius catches it too. He spins Arnold around and hits him into a tree. He tries spinning again but Arnold grabs his arm and twists it. Arnold kicks off of Kassius and gains distance.

Arnold: "Is that it?"

Kassius: "Hehe. Nope."

Kassius runs up to Arnold. Arnold kicks at Kassius but Kassius jumps up and grabs a branch nearby. He swings on it and kicks Arnold back. Arnold hits the ground and Kassius lands back on the floor. Arnold kicks back up and Kassius throws a punch. Arnold evades and grabs his arm. He flips Kassius to the floor and punches at him. Kassius blocks his punch and kicks at Arnold's head. Arnold jumps back to avoid the kick and both stand up.

Kassius: "Is that it? Hehe."

Arnold: "Just getting started."

Arnold starts walking slowly to Kassius. Kassiud takes a fighting stance. Arnold disappears.

Kassius (in head): "Where did he go?"

Arnold kicks Kassius from behind and sends him off the floor a little. Kassius turns around to see Arnold behind him. Kassius blocks and Arnold hits him with a spin kick pushing Kassius a distance.

Kassius (in head): "Urgh! So strong! My arms hurt from blocking that kick. Gotta be more careful."

Arnold starts walking towards Kassius again. Kassius takes up a fighting stance.

Arnold: "Time to level up."

Arnold disappears again. Kassius looks behind him and sees Arnold. He blocks but Arnold disappears again. Arnold appears behind him a second time and kicks him into a nearby tree. Kassius turns around and dodges down as Arnold throws a punch. Kassius kicks Arnold back.

Arnold: "Why didn't you block?"

Kassius: "Ask the tree."

Kassius points towards the tree. A fist shaped crack in the bark is visible.

Arnold: "Time to get serious."

Kassius: "You read my mind."

Arnold walks slowly towards Kassius again. He disappears. Kassius stands still, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Arnold appears behind him and throws a punch. Kassius dodges down and lands in a handstand. He kicks Arnold with both his feet, sending him back. Kassius jumps back onto his feet.

Kassius (in head): "Time to change it up."

Kassius runs towards Arnold. Arnold throws a punch and Kassius throws one back directly to his fist. Both of their punches collide. Kassius's knuckles starts bleeding. Arnold throws another punch but Kassius slips under and sweeps his leg. Kassius kicks at him but Arnold blocks. Arnold is sent back a distance.

Arnold (in head): "His whole demeanour changed. It's like I'm fighting a different person."

Arnold stands up. He starts slowly walking to Kassius.

Kassius (in head): "I think I get what's happening."

Arnold disappears. Kassius starts walking forward slowly. As Arnold appears behind him and throws a punch, Kassius disappears. Arnold looks behind him but Kassius appears above him and kicks downwards, hitting him in the head. Kassius lands on the ground and jumps back as Arnold falls to the ground.

Kassius: "The Level Phase. Moving up by levels, the more focus given to the technique, the faster and stronger your body can be. But it comes with the drawback of heavy fatigue. Even the first level is very difficult. For you to use it this frequently, must mean you're pretty strong."

Arnold: "You know how to use it too?"

Kassius: "Not as frequently as you are. I'm a bit tired from that one alone hehe."

Arnold: "I guess I have to go all or nothing."

Arnold stands up and Kassius gets in a fighting stance.

Arnold: "So you can change up your style of fighting?"

Kassius: "I'm a fast learner."

Arnold: "Let's see if you can catch this then."

Arnold runs towards Kassius. Kassius throws a punch but Arnold slides under it. Arnold hits Kassius's arm multiple times and kicks him back. Arnold kicks up and Kassius stands up.

Kassius (in head): "What the hell? My arm... I can't move it."

Arnold: "Didn't think I'd need to use this in a fight."

Kassius: "Gonna be harder than I thought."

Arnold runs at Kassius. Kassius goes on the defensive. As Arnold throws punches, Kassius dodges him and keeps distance. Arnold tries kicking Kassius but Kassius dodges. Arnold pivots and spins again, landing the kick on Kassius's arm.

Kassius: "Can't feel it."

Kassius jumps in the air and kicks Arnold back.

Arnold: "You got me there."

Kassius runs towards Arnold. Arnold walks slowly towards Kassius.

Kassius (in head): "Here it comes."

Arnold disappears.

Kassius (in head): "Gotta end this fast. I'll do the sa- Ugh!"

Arnold sweeps Kassius's legs and punches him directly in the gut. Kassius spits out blood and goes flying into a nearby tree. He hits it and falls to the ground.

At the north side of the woods, Hermes reaches the place Jinsoku and Marcus had fought.

Hermes (in head): "What happened here?"

Hermes notices Jinsoku bleeding. He walks up to him and uses equipment he has to stop the bleeding. Hermes looks above.

Hermes: "It's almost all over."

Back on the south west side, Arnold looks at Kassius.

Arnold: "Looks like I'm the last man standing. Been a while since I had to go all out."

Kassius: "Me.. too!"

Arnold: "Still up? You are really strong."

Kassius: "So are we finishing this or what? Don't tell me those baby punches are all you're packing."

Arnold: "Ha! Alright then. I'm at my limit. This is my final attempt. Get ready."

Kassius: "Bring it."

Kassius (in head): "I gotta use it now."

Earlier in the day, after the first test on the roof, Kassius fell to the ground.

Kassius (in head): "Dammit. I was so close. It's way harder than I thought. I'm not going to give up though. I like it this way. If it wasn't hard, I wouldn't be as driven to achieve it."

Kassius stands up.

Kassius (in head): "Practice makes perfect."

Back in present time, Kassius closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath and exhales deeply as well.

Kassius (in head): "I'll use the level phase one last time. Merging it with this move, it should be way more powerful."

Arnold (in head): "Gonna have to pressure his other arm. If he can't use them, I can finish this."

Kassius opens his eyes. Before Kassius can move, Arnold runs up to him in an instant. Kassius tries to jump back but Arnold steps on his foot. He sends blows to Kassius's other arm and jumps back distancing himself.

Kassius (in head): "Dammit! My other arm. I can't get distracted. Gotta focus."

Kassius closes his eyes. He inhales and exhales deeply. Arnold walks up to him slowly and disappears. Kassius opens his eyes. The woods go completely silent. Kassius walks forwards slowly and Arnold appears behind him.

Arnold (in head): "He can't defend so this is my chance."

As Arnold attempts to sweep his legs, Kassius disappears. Arnold looks around.

Arnold (in head): "He'll get tired and that's when he'll appear."

Kassius appears in front of Arnold.

Arnold (in head): "In front?!"

Arnold throws a punch ahead. Kassius dodges to the side and jumps up.

Kassius (in head): "Practice makes perfect."

Kassius spins and hits Arnold with two kicks to the face. Arnold spits out blood and flips onto the floor. Kassius lands on the floor on his butt.

Kassius: "Oww!"

Arnold: "What... what was that?"

Kassius: "A double air kick."

Arnold: "Wow. That was cool. Looks like yo..u wi..."

Arnold passes out.

Kassius: "Looks like I do."

Kassius lies on his back. He notices a red flash.

Kassius (in head): "A flare? From the middle?"

It explodes.

Romulus (on speaker): "Time is up! The second test is over!"