The G8

Kassius walks up to the group and looks at the TV.

Kassius (in head): "G8?"

Boy: "I can't wait. This is going to be amazing. I wonder if he'll show up this time."

The whole crowd around the TV starts murmuring to each other, getting more and more excited.

TV: "I hope you're ready folks. They have arrived. Time to tune in folk. Grab your food and drinks because it's about to begin."

All the way in the capital city of Thari, Mal Faqar is a Oasis paradise city in the middle of a desert. On this day in the capital, as the sun sets in the horizon, the meeting of the G8 started. At the biggest park in Mal Faqar, a stage had been set up in front of space for a crowd show. The space had been filled as many people showed up to see this meeting. There was a wide table placed on the stage. As the event starts, the cameras turn on and the lights shine on the stage woman walks up to the front.

Woman: "Welcome all to this meeting. Without further ado, give a warm welcome to our esteemed guests, the G8."

The crowd goes wild and roars as on the side of the stage people start walking up.

Woman: "The first one, our everyday genius who's using his wisdom to stop these criminals everyday. Give it up for the boy genius, Iliam Quest!"

Iliam walks up on the stage and waves to the crowd. He is a young boy, about eleven years old, white smooth hair and blue eyes, standing at 4"11. He wears a tuxedo with a bow tie and is carrying a book with him. He walks up to the 3rd seat and sits down.

Woman: "The second is a man who spends most of his time sleeping. But don't let that fool you. He's a force to be reckoned with. Logaaaaaaan Aergia!"

Logan is a 6"1, fifty year old man. He has brown eyes and gray messy hair. He is wearing raggedy trousers, a torn and old shirt along with a hat and no shoes. He walks up on stage and yawns with a wide mouth open. He walks up to the 8th seat and lies down on the table falling asleep.

Woman: "O...kay. To welcome the third and the fourth. These two are a power team. Two heads are clearly better than one. Let's welcome the twins, Alfonso and Otto Zelus!"

Alfonso and Otto are two men of similar height, standing at 5"11 and are both 32 years old. While Alfonso is wearing a white tuxedo, Otto is wearing a black tuxedo. Alfonso has black smooth mullet while Otto has a buzz cut.

Alfonso: "My suit is clearly better."

Otto: "Please, you wish your suit was as good as mine is."

They both sit down on the 1st and 2nd seat, continuing to argue.

Woman: "To welcome our fifth guest, she's a very stern yet determined woman. She's put many criminals behind bars and has a very strong record. Please welcome, Louisa Dubois!"

The crowd cheers ecstatically as she walks on stage. Louisa is a woman of 37 years, standing at 6"3, blonde long hair and red eyes. She has a scar across her eye. She is wearing ACO official attire, including a cap. As she takes a step up on stage, the crowd goes silent. She walks towards the table, with no noise being made by the crowd. She takes a seat at the 7th chair. The woman clears her throat and continues on.

Woman: "As intimidating as ever. Next is the man who people say is invincible. Taking charge and stopping criminals with an iron stomach, literally. Henry Richards!"

Henry Richards jumps onto the stage. His presence shocks the crowd. Henry is a large man, 47 years of age, standing at 8"5. He is abnormally big, and is a bit overweight. He has a very noticeable belly but is properly covered up in his ACO uniform from head to toe. He has a bald head and brown eyes.

Henry: "Who wants to test the iron belly, eh?!"

The crowd cheers and a cannon is pulled out from the crowd. A cannonball is shot at his belly and he stops it with nothing but his belly. The crowd goes crazy.

Henry: "Gahahaha! Invincible!"

Henry walks up to the table and sits in the 6th chair.

Woman: "Wow! What a showman. Can anything hurt him? Now, to introduce our penultimate guest. She is a star like no other. Over the years she has entertained her fans and kept us safe from criminals. Don't let her looks fool you though. She is as formidable as they come. Please welcome, Anastasia Surkov!"

Anastasia walks up on stage and the crowd roars like never before. They all get super excited and some people even pass out. She runs up to the front of the stage and starts blowing kisses to the crowd and waving to them. Anastasia is a 5"9, 28 year old woman. She has black hair and dark blue eyes. She is wearing a black dress and red heels.

Anastasia: "Thanks for supporting me. I love you all!"

She walks to the table and sits at the 4th chair.

Woman: "A fan favorite! It is a spectacle here today and almost 1.5 million people are watching from home! And to introduce our final guest. This man is the definition of battle. He has searched far and wide for people to fight and there is rarely anybody that can meet the match. He has put some of the worst criminals away for good. Please put your hands together for Momoku Sentoki!"

The crowd claps in a bunch and warmly welcomes him. However after a while, the claps slowly start to fade.

Crowd: "Huh? Where is he?"

Iliam: "Dammit. Did he get lost again? I told him to go in one direction."

Louisa: "That bastard. What is he doing at a time like this?!"

Henry: "Gahahaha! He is as wild as ever it seems."

Woman: "Well, I guess we'll have to do this without him. Ladies and Gentlemen, The G8! The press here would love to ask you guys some questions. I'll let you take it from here."

The press immediately start flashing lights and cameras at the G8.

Press man 1: "Miss Dubois. Are the rumors true that the executionist has escaped prison?"

Louisa: "They are more than false. He is still detained and the idea that I have failed at my job really pisses me off."

Press man 1: "I... I'm sorry."

Press man 2: "Sir Iliam. Is it true you've designed the latest-"

Iliam: "Quest Suits? Yes I have, along with multiple new features that will surely enhance the capabilities of the ACO officers."

Press woman 1: "Mister Logan..."

Logan snores as he is still asleep on the table.

Press woman 1: "Umm... Mister Henry. What are the ACO's current top goals?"

Henry: "Taking out all the criminals! They better hope to never see me or they are being locked up for good!"

Press man 3: "M...miss Anastasia. Any updates for y...your fans at home?"

Anastasia: "Don't worry. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on all the bad guys I put away. Thanks for supporting me."

Anastasia blows a kiss to the press man and he faints.

Press woman 2: "Mr Alfonso and Otto, can you tell us about your week? We've heard it's been quite the ride."

Alfonso: "I put twenty green noticed criminals this week alone."

Otto: "That is true, but I put away seven yellow notices criminals."

Alfonso: "Mine is more impressive."

Otto: "Don't lie to yourself. Mine is definitely better."

Press woman 2: "I think we can let the people decide that one, don't you think?"

As Alfonso and Otto continue to bicker, more and more questions are asked.

Press man 3: "Open question. What approach will you guys take going forward to deal with criminals as an organisation?"

Iliam: "A more thought process may come to us later. But we do have plans in counter attacking. Multiple events and locations are now under ACO protection to we should be safe."

Louisa: "I never liked the idea of laying back. I suggest we directly attack."

Iliam: "That's exactly how we lose resources and power. I'd kindly ask you to leave this to more tactical thinkers."

Louisa: "Excuse me?"

Anastasia: "I think what he meant to say was-"

Iliam: "I'm sorry. I'll dumb it down. Leave the thinking to the smart people."

Louisa lets off her presence and she starts scaring the crowd. Iliam, looking a bit anxious, remains seated. As Logan is still sleeping, the rest of the group seems a bit worried.

Henry (in head): "Gahaha. This isn't good."

As Louisa is about to stand, she stops in her tracks and stops imposing her presence as she among everybody else feel another nearby. Logan even wakes up from his sleep.

Louisa (in head): "Is that-"

A man starts walking through the middle of the crowd. He is wearing an ACO officer uniform but his is different. He has no hat, leaving his brown messy fringe uncovered. He is a 6"0 man of age fifty two years, with a light skin tone. He has a dark purple bandana covering his eyes. In one hand, he has a stick and in the other, is a bag filled with items.

Iliam: "So he finally made it."

Anastasia: "So we're all here."

Henry: "Gahahaha! What a surprise."

Man: "Sorry I'm late guys, kehehe. I was helping an elderly woman cross the street. Hope I made it on time."

The crowd starts cheering and cameras start flashing on him.

Louisa: "Finally decided to show your face, eh Sentoki?"

Momoku: "Geez. What's gotten you so grumpy Louisa?"

Momoku jumps onto the stage.

Momoku: "Oi Logan. Catch."

He tosses an Ice wine bottle at him and he catches it.

Momoku: "Don't down it too fast this time. Took me a while to get it. This is for you, Richards."

He tosses him some Ale and Henry catches it.

Anastasia: "Ohh! I want one."

Momoku: "Don't worry. I got one for you this time."

He walks up to her and places the vodka in front of her. Her face lights up and she grabs the bottle. He walks up to Iliam and places a bottle of water on his table.

Momoku: "Bottled water from the Lacrimae river. Enjoy."

Iliam: "Thank you for the kind gesture."

He walks up to Alfonso and Otto. He hands Alfonso a bottle of gin and Otto a bottle of rum.

Momoku: "Enjoy. And finally, for you Miss Dubois."

He walks up to Louisa and reaches into his bag.

Momoku: "Uhh... I guess I ran out... kidding. Here."

He places a bottle of white wine in front of her.

Momoku: "Loosen up today. No need to be so angry."

Louisa: "Fine. Only because you asked."

Momoku: "Great. Now what's going on?"

Press woman 3: "Mister Sentoki. We have some questions."

Momoku: "Oh? Go ahead then. Ask away."

Press woman 3: "Are the rumors true that the goliath had gotten the upper hand on you and escaped?"

Momoku: "I guess that's false. Haven't seem him in a while. He was a fun opponent I'll tell you that."

Press woman 3: "A fan favorite question. Is it possible to remove your bandana?"

Momoku: "It's glued on kehehehe! No, I'm just joking. But I'd prefer to not remove it. Maybe one day."

Press woman 3: "Last question, what is your main focus right now?"

Momoku: "I guess it would be to find a worthwhile opponent to fight. It's gotten kind of boring since Remus disappeared but there are a few names of interest like that kid Mekai Ventra or Kailo Voce."

Press woman 3: "Do you think you will face a challenge at any point in the future?"

Momoku: "It could happen. But I doubt it. However, until the day I die, I'll remain on the search. But to close this off, as officers of the law, we shall serve and protect the nations, putting all criminals we can away for good. As long as we live, criminals cannot get their way forever. A new age is coming and the ACO are getting far more powerful so I can ensure the future is in safe hands. I hope you can put your trust in us and we promise to keep this nation safe."

All the seven other officers stand up in attention.

Momoku: "In the name of the four nations, this is the start of the new era of the ACO. May justice be served."

As the lights shine down on the stage in the night, all of the officers stand in attention with their right hand across their chest. The crowd cheers in a bunch and noise fills the area as cameras are taking pictures and the crowd is chanting "G8".