Umoja, The City Of Unity

Back on the train, the audience surrounding the Television cheer in unison. Kassius continues to look at the television, his eyes focused on Momoku.

Kassius: "Why is he wearing that on his face? Is he blind?"

Two guys turn around to Kassius.

Man 1: "Rumors say he is. Some people say he has eyes everywhere on his body."

Man 2: "I once heard a rumor that someone saw him without his eyes and they turned to stone."

Man 1: "Hahaha! Now that's definitely just a rumor."

Kassius: "Whoa. Who are these people?"

Man 1: "You're kidding right? Have you been living under a rock?"

Man 2: "Those are the elite of the elite. The top brass of the ACO that protect the nations. How have you not heard of them?"

Kassius: "Uhh... village life I guess."

Man 1: "Well, those guys are like the good guys. They are the ones stopping criminals. They're like our heroes."

Kassius (in head): "So this was the ACO Remus was talking about?"

Kassius: "So the ACO are the police?"

Man 2: "Well, there are the regular police. The ACO is more like an international police force. They're the strongest police force around."

Kassius: "Ahh. Well, thanks for explaining this to me."

Man 1: "No problem."

Man 2: "Stay safe."

Kassius walks away back to Arnold and Ulqora. He sits down back on his chair.

Kassius: "You guys awake?"

Arnold: "Yeah."

Ulqora nods her head.

Speaker: "Attention. We will shortly be arriving at Umoja Central Station. Thank you."

They all look outside the window, and after zooming by some trees, they see a large city in the distance, lights shining and skyscrapers all around.

Kassius: "Whoa! We're here."

After a few minutes the train slowly makes a stop. The doors slide right open and people rush out of the doors. Amidst them, Kassius, Arnold and Ulqora walk out. They head up a flight of stairs and exit the station. Staring at the night sky, they all take a deep breath in and out, witnessing the city from the inside.

Ulqora: "It's so bright and beautiful."

Arnold: "Yeah, it sure is."

Kassius: "Well, let's go look around."

He lifts up a random wallet.

Kassius: "It belongs to the goatee guy."

They see a billboard near the entrance of the station and walk up to it.

Kassius: "Hmm. So we're right here in the South East of the city... wow this is a big city. OK, so downtown is that way?"

Arnold: "Let's head downtown then."

Kassius spots a car with someone inside on the side of the road.

Kassius: "Wait here one moment."

Kassius walks up to the car. He starts knocking on the window.

Kassius: "Hello? Can you help me?"

A girl, eighteen years old, Amber eyes and white long hair rolls down the window. Kassius notices the outfit she's wearing and breaks a sweat.

Kassius (in head): "Crap! She's one of those officers."

Girl: "Officer Christine. How can be of assistance to you!"

Kassius: "Uh, nevermind. I thought you were somebody else. Anyways, I'll be out of your hair."

Girl: "Wait, before you leave. Have you heard anything about two criminals by the names Kassius Moore and Arnold Jenovise? I got Intel that they would be here somewhere around this time."

Kassius: "Um.. I don't think I have. Sorry I couldn't be of help."

Girl: "No problem. Thanks anyways. Have a good day."

Kassius walks back to Arnold and Ulqora.

Kassius: "Maybe it's a good idea if we just walk."

Kassius, Arnold and Ulqora walk down the city. They walk for quite a while, and finally reach the central part of the city. They notice a two-storey motel down the street and walk into it.

Receptionist: "Welcome to Skyview Motel, one of the best Motels in Umoja, the city of unity."

Kassius: "The what?"

Receptionist: "Don't worry. Just a slogan they make us say."

Kassius: "Oh."

Receptionist: "What can I do for you?"

Kassius: "We'd like a room on the top floor."

Receptionist: "I think that can be arranged... aha. Room 16. How many nights will you be staying here sir?"

Kassius: "About five."

Receptionist: "That will be $150."

Kassius hands pulls out money from the wallet and pays the receptionist.

Receptionist: "Here are the keys to the room and enjoy your stay."

Kassius: "Thanks."

Kassius takes the keys and they head up the stairs to the top floor. They walk to the room near the end and open the door. When they walk in, a strong stench fills their noses. Ulqora holds her nose.

Arnold: "What is that smell?"

Kassius: "I don't know. Let me open a window."

They walk in and close the door. Kassius opens the window and hits the light switch. The motel room was quite spacious with two rooms and a bathroom. The room they're standing in is the living room which has a window, a set of sofas and a television. Split next to the living room is the kitchen, with a fridge.

Kassius: "Wow this place is big."

Kassius jumps onto the single sofa while Arnold and Ulqora sit on the double sofa.

Kassius: "It's late so I think we should try get some extra sleep. We can try plan something tomorrow."

They all fall asleep on the sofas and night passes. The next morning, Kassius and Arnold wake up quite early, at around 8 AM.

Kassius and Arnold (in head): "I need to leak."

They both look around and stare at each other. Both start rising to their feet off the sofas slowly and start rushing to the bathroom. Arnold beats Kassius there and reaches the door first.

Kassius: "Dammit!"

Arnold: "Don't worry I won't take too long."

After half an hour of standing, holding it in, Kassius started knocking on the door.

Kassius: "Cmon I'm gonna explode!"

The door opens and a gush of hot air hits Kassius in the face.

Arnold: "There are towels in the top cabinet if you want to take a shower."

Kassius: "Move!"

Kassius jumps into the bathroom and- he did what he needed to do. Kassius takes a shower and walks to the sink. As he's brushing his teeth somebody knocks on the door. Kassius walks towards the door.

Kassius: "Arnold, you just used i- Oh. Do you want to clean up?"

Ulqora nods.

Kassius: "Alright, let me run some water for you."

In the kitchen, Arnold opens the top cabinet.

Arnold: "There's some cereal... and it hasn't expired. Now is there..."

Arnold opens the fridge.

Arnold: "Milk! But this expired. Kas! I'm heading out to get some milk!"

Kassius: "Alright! Get some extra food as well! The guy's wallet is on the counter near the door!"

Arnold changes into his clothes and grabs the wallet.

Arnold: "Keep her safe Kas!"

Arnold closes the door behind him and leaves. He walks down the stairs and heads to the main road. Arnold starts heading down the street.

Arnold (in head): "Where is the shop exactly? I should probably ask around."

Arnold: "Hi um... by any chance could you help me with directions?"

Old woman: "Why sure! What do you need?"

Arnold: "Do you know where the nearest supermarket is?"

Old woman: "It should be down that road over there. Take the second left and it should be in front of you."

Arnold: "Thank you."

Old woman: "No problem dear."

Arnold starts heading down the street and reaches the end of it. He turns on the second left and reaches the supermarket. Arnold enters the supermarket and takes a cart with him. He walks around the place, looking for the milk.

Arnold: "Milk... milk... milk. There it is."

Arnold stops at the aisle with the milk and goes towards it.

Arnold: "This one will do."

He places milk in the cart and heads to the check out. He pays for the milk and leaves the supermarket. Arnold walks further down the street.

Arnold (in head): "I got the milk but what else can I get he- Whoa! What's that smell?!"

Arnold strolls towards it and sees the bakery on the back side of the supermarket. He walks up in front of it.

Arnold: "Oh, they look as good as they smell."

Baker: "As fresh out as you can find them. What would you like?"

Arnold: "What's the best one?"

Baker: "I'd say a Classic Croissant is a good choice for the morning. However people love to line up for my classic toffee filled hand twisted doughnut."

Arnold: "I'll take six of each."

Baker: "Coming right up."

The baker places them in a bag and hands them to him. Arnold pays for them and walks away.

Arnold (in head): "That should be enough for the morning and night. I better head back."

As Arnold is about to turn around he notices a building a bit further ahead.

Arnold: "That's the museum?!"

Arnold notices a man with lanyards and ID cards around their necks running towards the building.

Man 1: "Dammit! I thought the rehearsal exhibition was earlier. I'm late!"

Arnold (in head): "Rehearsal? Maybe I could... but what about... no! I can't waste an opportunity like this."

Arnold starts following the guy. They end up walking to the back and as the guy approaches the door, Arnold knocks him in the back of his neck, making him pass out. He takes the lanyard around the man's neck and puts it on. Arnold places the man's body in a nearby empty trash bin.

Arnold: "Sorry."

Arnold places the food he bought behind the bin and walks towards the door. He slides the card on the scanner and the door opens. Arnold walks in and the doors shut behind him. He walks down a hallway and reaches the end. He opens the door on that side and reaches the front of the museum where he sees a group of people in front of him.

Woman: "That must be him. You! Get over here quickly."

Arnold walks towards them.

This woman is around six feet, in black heels. She wears a black dress with a white feathered coat. Her eyes are blue and her hair is blonde, kept in a chignon style.

Woman: "Why are you late?"

Arnold: "Um... I got lost."

Woman: "I provided clear instructions on where to go. How could you have gotten lost?"

Arnold: "Um..."

Woman: "Nevermind. Just get into line and listen up."

Arnold: "Apologies, Miss... Yveline?"

Yveline: "This will be your last warning. Fortunately you weren't too late so we can begin immediately."

Arnold falls in line with the rest and they begin to start walking around.

Yveline: "This exhibition will be one of the most important ones we've had in some time."

They walk up the flight of stairs ahead and go forward into a room of paintings.

Yveline: "This means we will have to be at our best. This painting room will be our first display. We have to 'wow' the crowd. There is nothing that captures attention more than a beautiful piece of art."

Arnold looks up to the ceiling that's quite far above.

Arnold (in head): "There's a venting system."

Yveline: "Following me onto the room on the right..."

They walk into the right room.

Yveline: "These are artifacts of our nation. We can display these weapons and items that the history of our nation was built on. Over on the left side..."

They walk back into the middle room and into the left room.

Yveline: "This is the statue room. Statues of important figures in our nation will be here. Many names like our royals have even been carved into this room. These statues are very important and they are a great asset like no other."

They all walk back into the middle room.

Yveline: "Now for those two rooms, we will split the crowd up and show each group the rooms in the opposite order. Now, after all that is said and done, we have but one room so show them. Follow me."

They walk forward to the end of the middle room and reach doors.

Yveline: "This room... is our closing act. Our true secret weapon!"

She opens the door and the lights turn on.

Yveline: "This is room of the most valuable items we have. And right over there, is the star of the show. The Queen's diamond!"