A Little Bit Of Ice Cream And Smiling

Arnold (in head): "There it is."

Yveline: "As you are all aware, this diamond is just here for the exhibition. After demonstrating the other rooms for about an hour, we will show them this room. We won't linger on too long because we will be expecting a crew to come pick up the diamond. So after a quick showing, we will need you to escort everyone out and a group of people will come to pick it up. Take a look around. All security guards, come here for just a moment."

Everyone starts to walk around while the security guards go up to Yveline. Arnold looks up at the ceiling.

Arnold (in head): "So the ventilation reaches this room too."

Yveline: "You there!"

Arnold snaps back and looks towards Yveline.

Yveline: "Get over here."

Arnold walks up to the group.

Yveline: "When you applied on the website for this job, I do not remember one of your skills being 'day dreamer'. You're on very thin ice, do I make myself clear?"

Arnold: "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am."

Yveline: "Now get in line."

Arnold stands in line with the group.

Yveline: "Alright. During the exhibition, you guys will be my eyes and ears. I want you guarding every single possible point of entry. This is sure to be a target place for criminals so we will have ACO officials on the outside in case something goes wrong. It will be your duty to protect our esteemed guests. That is all."

Back at the house, Kassius walks up to the bathroom.

Kassius: "Uh... are you alright in there?"

Ulqora opens the door.

Kassius (in head): "She hasn't touched the water at all."

Kassius: "Is everything okay?"

Ulqora shakes her head.

Ulqora: "This water is different. It isn't hurting my hand."

Kassius: "Hurting you?"

Ulqora: "When they used to clean us, they sprayed us with a hose. They said if it hurts, we're getting clean. Is there something wrong with this water?"

Kassius couldn't believe what he heard. Almost frozen in spot in anger, he controlled himself and instead tried to remain calm.

Kassius (in head): "This poor girl..."

Kassius: "Ulqora. This way is better. You don't get hurt and you get clean. Those people... they only wanted to hurt you. But you're safe with us so don't worry, OK? We won't let anyone hurt you again. Cmon. Let's get you cleaned."

Kassius walks her to the bath tub. She walks into the tub and he pulls the curtain from the outside so it blocks his view.

Kassius: "OK I'll tell you what to do, and you just do the same."

Kassius tells her what to do and helps her clean herself. When he finishes, he hands her a robe from the side of the curtain and she takes it.

Kassius: "OK come out."

She pulls the curtain and he helps her out of the tub.

Kassius: "Nice and relaxing, right?"

Ulqora: "Mhm."

Kassius: "Alright now to brush your teeth."

They walk up to the sink and Kassius gives her a toothbrush.

Kassius: "Luckily I carried a spare. Anyways, here's some toothpaste. Now wet your brush a little bit and put the brush in your mouth. Then just rub it against your teeth."

Kassius demonstrates and Ulqora starts copying him. They both brush their teeth and Kassius starts moving from side to side. Ulqora copies him and they both start laughing. They finish brushing and walk to the living room.

Kassius: "OK now you need some clothes. Unfortunately I don't have clothes for little girls in my bag. I'll go look around."

Kassius walks around and enters one of the rooms. He looks around but couldn't find anything. He walks into the second room and opens a closet. He sees a few empty hangers but one with a small jumper. He sees another with small trousers. He grabs both and rushes to the living room.

Kassius: "I found these. We'll get you more clothes later. Try these on."

Ulqora puts on the trousers and jumper.

Kassius: "The trousers seem to fit but that jumper is pretty big."

Ulqora removes the jumper and wears the first one she was given.

Ulqora: "I like this one."

Kassius: "If you like it, then you can wear it. Now I wonder where Arnold is with the food."

Ulqora: "Is he coming back?"

Kassius: "Arnold? Of course. Don't worry about that. He'll be just fine. Let's do something while we're waiting."

Kassius covers his eyes with his tie.

Kassius: "Alright. I'll give you ten seconds to hide. After that, you have two minutes to make sure I don't catch you or you lose. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. OK I'm coming."

Kassius walks around the living room.

Kassius: "Now the aim of the game is to be silent. So any sound, I'll spot it. Not to brag, but I'm like an expert at this ga-"

Kassius bumps into the sofa.

Kassius: "OK I'm pretty good at th-"

Kassius bumps into the wall.

Kassius: "OK I'm not that great. But don't be fooled. I'll still win this."

After a minute, Kassius starts rushing around the room.

Kassius: "How are you so good at this? The room isn't even that bi-"

The door handle starts moving.

Kassius: "Aha!"

Kassius jumps towards the door as it opens and gets stopped at his face by Arnold's foot.

Arnold: "What's going on?"

Kassius removes the tie.

Kassius: "Arnold? OK Ulqora you win."

Ulqora walks up to them and Kassius stands up.

Kassius: "Nice game."

Arnold: "Did I miss something?"

Kassius: "I should be asking you that. Who's the guy on your back?"

Arnold: "Long story."

They tie the person on Arnold's shoulder to a chair and he slowly gains consciousness.

Man: "Huh... where am I?"

Kassius: "Wooooh! You have died! Are you ready to meet your fate?"

Arnold knocks Kassius in the head.

Kassius: "Ow!"

Arnold: "We've kidnapped you."

Man: "Please don't kill me. I've done nothing wrong."

Arnold: "We aren't going to kill you."

Man: "In that case, let me go! Help! Help! He-"

Kassius hits him in the back of his neck and he loses consciousness. They both walk to the sofa and sit down.

Kassius: "Well he's not going to help at all. Why did you even bring him here?"

Arnold: "If I left him he could've reported it and my cover would be blown."

Kassius: "So you knocked him out and now you're him?"

Arnold: "Mhm."

Kassius: "So what did you find out?"

Arnold: "I'll be guarding the museum during the exhibition. But the ACO will be outside as backup. The diamond will also be taken away after a short while so we only have a small amount of time to actually take it."

Kassius: "So I'll just come in, rush in, take it and we'll escape."

Arnold: "Are you crazy? How will that plan even work?"

Kassius: "We just stop anyone that's in our way."

Arnold: "Remember! There will be more than just mediocre security there. Also, we agreed. No glory hunting. Remember Ulqora."

Kassius: "Yeah, fine."

Arnold: "We have to find a way to take that diamond without being caught. If they figure out who we are, escaping at the border may become too difficult."

Kassius: "Fine. Guess the road to infamy can wait."

Arnold: "I have a plan. I was looking around from the inside and it seems as though there is a venting system that leads through all the rooms. If you sneak through those, you should be able to take the diamond without being caught."

Kassius: "That could work. But what about Ulqora?"

Arnold: "We'll park at the back of the museum. She can stay in the car until you get out then I'll follow and we'll meet up back in the car. We drive to the border and leave the nation. You think that could work?"

Kassius: "Well I don't have a better plan. Let's try this. It sounds like it could work."

Arnold: "Great. But we do need a few things before. We need a car, clothes for the event, and identification."

Kassius: "Identification?"

Arnold: "For the border. We need fake identities to get by."

Kassius: "Ok. Let's also get some clothes for Ulqora. We can look around the city while we do."

Arnold: "Alright. Let's go."

Kassius pulls out tape and covers the guy's mouth.

Kassius: "Just in case he makes noise while we are gone."

Kassius, Arnold and Ulqora walk out the door and lock it behind them. They walk down out of the motel and onto the sidewalk. They walk in the other direction that Arnold went earlier.

Kassius: "OK, so let's start with the clothes. Where do we go for that exactly?"

Arnold: "Let me ask somebody."

Kassius opens the bag of food Arnold had brought and hands Ulqora a snack.

Kassius: "You want some?"

Ulqora: "Yes."

They both take a bite and their faces start glowing up. They eat through their food and continue following Arnold as he asks person by person for directions on where to go. After a while of walking, they eventually reach a bridge. On the other side, they spot an enormous construction.

Ulqora and Kassius: "Whoa!"

Arnold: "There's the shopping centre."

They cross the bridge and ahead of them is the shopping centre. It is an open centre, with shops and boutiques all in one line. They fill the road from the left side to the right side for a while until the park where the huge structure they spotted is standing. They start walking through the centre.

Kassius: "This is amazing. There are so many shops."

Arnold: "That looks like a clothing store."

Kassius: "Let's go in."

They walk into the shop and look around. They go to the girl section and let Ulqora try out some clothes. After a few bad options, they find her a perfect set. They then go to the males section and help Arnold pick out a suit. After choosing, they put both their clothes in a bag and take it to check out.

Kassius: "Uh... I'd like to buy these."

Cashier: "Very well sir. Would you like anything else or is this all?"

Kassius: "I think this is all."

Cashier: "Great. Your total will be $120.96."

Kassius: "Here you go."

Cashier: "Here is your change and thanks for shopping at Lune Lure."

Kassius: "Thanks."

They walk out of the shop and continue down the road.

Kassius: "Alright, we have clothes. Let's look for that identification place."

After walking down a bit, they reach a passport shop.

Kassius: "This counts as identification right?"

Arnold: "I think so."

They enter the shop and walk up to the counter.

Kassius: "Hi there. We'd like to buy passports."

Worker: "You mean apply? Alright. Three passports. Just go to those machines over there and fill in an application."

They walk up to the machine.

Kassius: "I guess I'll start."

Kassius clicks begin. It asks for a name.

Kassius: "Kassiu-"

Arnold: "No. Don't use that. Come up with something."

Kassius: "Oh right."

Kassius plugs in a name. He then fills out the rest of the application.

Machine: "Please walk towards the booth on your right."

Kassius enters the booth.

Machine: "Face the camera and don't blink. Three, two, one. Image taken. You may step out."

Arnold: "Alright, my turn."

Arnold does the same, filling in the application and taking his photo. For Ulqora, they fill in details for her. She enters the booth and removes the hoodie, showing her face. Just as she is about to take her photo, Arnold steps in and pulls her out. He pulls the hoodie over her head.

Kassius: "What are you doing?"

Arnold: "Trust me. Let's just get our ones."

They walk back up to the counter and are presented with their passports.

Worker: "It will take about three days before you're in the system. Once that happens, you can travel with these. That will be $170."

Kassius hands the money and they are given the passport.

Worker: "Safe journeys ahead."

They leave the shop and continue walking down the path.

Kassius: "How are you holding up Ulqora?"

Ulqora: "I'm fine."

Kassius: "Nice, nice."

They reach the park.

Kassius: "It's even bigger up close."

Arnold: "There's a sign over there."

They walk up to the sign.

Arnold: "It's called the Dos-à-Dos. It says during a battle for this nation, these two friends fought off their enemies, securing the victory for their nation. This statue was created in honor of their achievement. That sounds interesting doesn't it? Hmm-"

He spots Kassius and Ulqora standing at an ice cream stand. He walks towards them.

Ulqora: "It looks so good."

Kassius: "I know, right?"

Ice cream man: "Wahaha! Tourists. The pride of this nation. How may I help you?"

Kassius: "Can we get three cones please?"

Ice cream man: "Sure kid. You choose the flavor or should I?"

Kassius: "You can choose."

Ice cream man: "Great. For you, caramel. For the little girl, chocolate. And for your friend, pistachio."

He hands them each an ice cream cone with plastic baby spoons on the side.

Kassius: "They look great. How much?"

Ice cream man: "For your first time, it's free of charge. Haha! Truth be told, I'm closing up for my holiday so it's better I give it out and spread joy."

Kassius: "Wow. Thanks sir."

Ice cream man: "No problem. Enjoy your stay here in Umoja."

Kassius: "Enjoy your holiday."

They walk away and start eating their ice cream.

Ulqora: "It's so yummy."

Kassius: "It's amazing."

Arnold: "Wow."

Photographer: "Final pictures with the Dos-à-Dos. Final pictures."

Kassius: "Let's go take a picture."

They walk up to the photographer. He flips down the sign behind him with his foot, that read '$5 for pictures'.

Photographer: "Ahh. Tourists. It's usually $15 but for you, I'll make it $10 for the picture."

Kassius: "Really? Wow. People here are generous."

Kassius gives him the money.

Photographer: "Alright sit over there."

They walk up to a bench in front of the camera so they sit in front of the statue.

Photographer: "OK. Big smiles. Five, four, three, two, one!"

Right before the photographer snaps the photo, the wind blows and pulls the hoodie off of Ulqora's head. He takes the photo. In the photo, you can see Kassius on the left, Ulqora in the middle and Arnold on the right. They both are close to Ulqora and all of them are smiling, Ulqora with the biggest smile of all, with their ice creams in their hand as the statue stands behind them and the sun begins to set.